Oh I don't know what to do!


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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2007
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Somewhere in the computer...
A few days ago my dad yelled at my mom calling her a liar. Of course over the phone since she lives in another country. Then my mom sent me a voice mail telling me that if I wanted to come back, I was more than welcome to. The problem is that 1.: I only have like 2 months before school is over. 2.: I am afraid to tell my dad since I don't want to see him sad. 3.: I don't want to leave my friends. 4.: I don't know if I am doing the right thing. In other words...I don't know what to do to solve this. I have talked to my dad but he can get really scary sometimes and I don't want to upset him. If my mom is not careful my dad won't let me see her again!!!!

I have a good thing to do. (if you beleive in god...)

1. Pray and ask Him.

2. If you feel a strong feeling that you should, do it

3. when you tell your dad, try not to make eye contact

4. Explain your reasons why

5. Make sure someone else is with you and your dad when you tell him, so he can't act too rash...



I have an idea!

You could go w/ your mom for the whole summer and then you could go back with your dad when it is time to go back to school!

Well I think you, your mom, AND your dad need to talk together about this situation.

It's a big deal if you move away from your dad, to your mom in another country.

They shouldn't make you decide all on your own.

Talk with both of them, maybe make a compromise.

If I was in a situation like this, yes, I would pray ALOT about it.

I do not know your standings on God and religion.

Either way I will still be pray'n for ya!

God bless!

Well I think you, your mom, AND your dad need to talk together about this situation.It's a big deal if you move away from your dad, to your mom in another country.

They shouldn't make you decide all on your own.

Talk with both of them, maybe make a compromise.

If I was in a situation like this, yes, I would pray ALOT about it.

I do not know your standings on God and religion.

Either way I will still be pray'n for ya!

God bless!
I believe in God all the way. Actually I spend my summers over there. I like it there a lot. I also have a lot of friends there. Thanks for all the advice guys.

A few days ago my dad yelled at my mom calling her a liar. Of course over the phone since she lives in another country. Then my mom sent me a voice mail telling me that if I wanted to come back, I was more than welcome to. The problem is that 1.: I only have like 2 months before school is over. 2.: I am afraid to tell my dad since I don't want to see him sad. 3.: I don't want to leave my friends. 4.: I don't know if I am doing the right thing. In other words...I don't know what to do to solve this. I have talked to my dad but he can get really scary sometimes and I don't want to upset him. If my mom is not careful my dad won't let me see her again!!!!
My dad is like that too, he has to always get his way. My parents are split up, and since my dad ignores me when I go to his house, I never wanna stay because all he does is go on the computer.

So anyway he asked if I wanted to stay the night (since I have my own room) and I said no and he got really mad, so I ended up staying.

In a situation like this, do what YOU want, not what your dad's wants. Also, maybe you could visit mom for the summer & holidays and stay with your dad during school days and stuff.

I hope it all works out for you, and PM me if you need someone to talk to. :)

I am sorry to hear that! Well I think you should diside this on you're own! Its you're choice! Its a hard dicsion you should ask and talk to you'tr parents about what you just told us! I hope you get to live with whoever! All I can say is prey for help and strenght.

I believe in God all the way. Actually I spend my summers over there. I like it there a lot. I also have a lot of friends there. Thanks for all the advice guys.
Ok, that's cool.

Hebrews 11:8

"By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."

You just gotta pray about it.

Also read God's word. He wrote it, and can talk to you through it. :)

HERE are some verses from the Bible about decisions and trusting God with them.

I don't know if it will be any help, but it might be good to flip look through some of them.

[side step here but if you want a good Bible website https://www.biblegateway.com is a really good one.

You can search by verse, or by the topical index. It's a pretty neat webbie that I vistit often. :D ]

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