Oh man...


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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2008
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This is preeety bad, about a month ago my boy friend (who I love more than anything) informed me that one of my friends (let's call him Goatman) has a flaming crush on me. Ever since then, I've kinda been thinking about him a lot, I kinda have a weee little crush on him. I think what made me like him was the fact that he likes me, and I liked the attention. Just now I was on facebook and I saw some girl who wrote on his facebook wall, basically flirting with him. And now I am too angry, jealousy is RAGING through me, (keep in mind that I still love my boyfriend very very much), and with this feeling of jealousy is a feeling of guilt, for being jealous at all. I have a wonderful boyfriend, and I feel guilty about being somewhat attracted to Goatman. Gaaahh horomones :ph34r:

Can anyone else relate to me here, and/or offer advice?

I think i kindof know how you feel. last night i told my bf (of 2 weeks today) that i love him but he said w/e! me and my bff melanie have been trying to figure out what to do all morning. idk if he is breaking up with me or what (he never responded to my txt messages yet) just stick with your bff's and they will help you get through whatever happens. i'm sure ur bf loves u more than anyone in the world ever will though! Good Luck!!! (i hope that might have helped a little bit)

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Yes, I know what you mean. And there is nothing wrong with feeling this way.

Stay loyal to your boyfriend. Always. :]

Yes, I know what you mean. And there is nothing wrong with feeling this way.
Stay loyal to your boyfriend. Always. :]
Perfectly phrased.

You love your boyfriend, he loves you. <33

He obviously only told you about this Goatman guy liking you because he trusted you and needed your support and the knowledge that you would always pick him first. Just try and forget about this other guy; stop visiting his page.

Thanks for replying everyone ^.^

Yeah I figure that my bf is the best option, he's helped me with so much! Now whenever a thought about Goatman comes up, I'll just think about how noce my bf is (why didn't I think of this before XD)

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