Oh My Goodness...


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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2008
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**Please answer reasonably and don't use txt tlk. Thank you.**

Well, this guy in 4th grade got beaten up/jumped (whatever) by a couple of gangsters. They covered his face with a jacket that said something with 'Gangsters.' They started socking him. There were people watching the scene. (Incuding a SUPERVISER. He didn't do anything!!) Well, my friend said the cops are supposed to come today, but I'm not sure if they did. But what I'm saying is:

What if they come again? What should I do? Call 911? Tell a teacher? Go after them? Help.

wait, gangsters came to your school? I'd call 911 first and then get the teacher, because it could be to late. DO NOT GO AFTER THEM.

wait, gangsters came to your school? I'd call 911 first and then get the teacher, because it could be to late. DO NOT GO AFTER THEM.
Thanks. And yes, gangsters DID go to my school. I don't know how. And I don't know why they went after a 4th grader.

It's kinda sad that people have to put **Please answer reasonably and don't use txt tlk. Thank you.** on their post. Ugh. What happened to TT?

Anyway, that's awful. Definitely get your Teacher...

Gangsters? Like people who do not go to the school?

If you see outside people coming in and causing problems, go ahead and threaten to tell the media about it if it effects you directly.

Threatening to call in the media (TV station, Newspaper) will get your school to do something about it immidiately.

You should not have to put up with that at school.

yeah, and then I would tell the principle to put locks on all of the doors and only have a doorbell for the main office. Thats what our school has.

I agree completely with Mothra, you shouldn't have to deal with those things at school. It should be safe, if a supervisor didn't do anything get someone big on the scene, that will get some reaction.

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