Oh My Goodness.


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Lost Girl

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2009
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Brisbane, Australia.
So today in Australia in a school pretty close to mine, a kid died. He was twelve, and he was stabbed or knifed or something by a thirteen year old. It happened this morning, at school.

I'm pretty sure his name was Elliot Fletcher.

Ugh I nearly had a heart attack when I heard this news. Kyle told me this afternoon, and my gosh... It was so sad. I know my school will probably have an assembly about it.

How do you guys feel about this news? I, personally, am quite upset by it. It makes me sick to the stomach to think that this could happen; some people are saying that Elliot was a bully, but I think that absolutely nothing justifies doing something like that. It's messed up and just awful. If everything was so bad why didn't the other kid just see a teacher or his parents or better yet, move schools?

RIP kiddo <3

Aww that is so sad.

That 13 year old that stabbed him should be in prison for murdering.

Aww that is so sad.
That 13 year old that stabbed him should be in prison for murdering.
He was charged with murder or something this afternoon.

And yeah I know. It's so messed up, but people are saying Elliot had it coming. Ugh.

At least he got charged with murder for it. It's just sad that this is what seems to happen to often now.

And for people to say he had it coming is even worse.

That sounds horrible :huh: I really hope that 13 year old gets a brutal punishment.. even though that's never going to make up for the other boy's life ):

And he's only 13. That's like... me, stabbing someone. :0 he must have real problems.

Like you can't just, take away someone's life because of a stupid school problem, it's horrible.. I can't imagine what his family feels like. Their 12 year old son, dead o: . I joined the facebook group for him :) , rip~

Someone died at a high school in my city as well. It was a snowmobile accident though, not a murder. His name was Michael. They decorated his locker, and every year now at the high school, they have a "Michael Week" for him.

I keep hearing about it on the news.

It's shocking and just plain horrible.

I agree with the person above.

I can't believe what the world has come to.

Another kid, like yesterday or something, was seen with a knife on his was to school. Nine years old.

And today, kids brought a knife to school to cut themselves with.

This is ridiculous. -__-

I keep hearing about it on the news.It's shocking and just plain horrible.

I agree with the person above.

I can't believe what the world has come to.
Yeah I keep hearing about it too.

Its awful and to be honest, extremely shocking. A 13 year old stabbing a classmate. So disgusting.

I think that something needs to be done to make sure things like this don't happen again. And the life lost is sad enough, but that whole school will be shaken up for such a long time now having to deal with a dead school kid and a murderer. ^_^

That's really just.. disgusting.

The kid who stabbed him needs to talk to someone. I mean, seriously. Put him in therapy, talk to him over the phone, whatever - he really needs to talk to someone.

I'm honestly afraid of what's happening in our world. I'm scared to walk up to my corner shop. My parents wouldn't even let me. There are some pretty rough characters where I live.

I'm just getting so sick of it. Everyone should just sit down and think about what they're doing to the future generations.

oh, that's upsetting ^_^

what has the world became?!

i mean that boy might of been a bully or whatever, but that's no reason to take his life away.

to be fair, i think myself lucky to live in such a nice area compared to some, stuff like that doesn't happen here touch wood. but that's just disgusting :D

What a coincidence. I was watching this show the other day and it was a documentary about how these two kids - 11 and 13 - planned out a bunch of murders at their school. I wonder what goes on in this kids' brains.

Honestly, I find the whole idea to be quite... strange to say the least. It's a shame that the kid had to die for no good reason. :/

Our school, on almost the other side of the country from where Elliot died, dedicated our morning prayers to Elliot, his friends and family and the entire community that Elliot comes from.

This is a terrible incident and I feel very sorry and saddened by such shocking news. A thirteen year old killed a twelve year old. It is just unbelievably sad.

The whole country has Elliot in there hearts today.

Tragedies help bring people together.



My dad was watching it on the news and I'm walking past him. He goes 'Be careful who you hang out with.'

Faaaat chaaance.

Then someone brought it up at school and I told them what my dad said. Darcy said his mum had hugged him when it was on the news.

Yeah sure it's 'sad', but us kids all ridiculed it.

Because really, nobody brings knives or that rubbish to school.


It was his funeral this morning ): We had an assembly for him :) It was really nice.

Eh, it's really unlikely to happen but in the past week I've heard of 4 other schools who have had kids bring knives to school, three of which have had police involved. One of those schools was mine.

Well, you can't spend your life worrying about everything. Whatever happens, happens. This was just a freak thing. Chances are, it won't happen in your school.

That's so sad. ;-; You always hear about these things happening on the news, but to really think about it happening near you is frightening. I feel so sorry for the 12 year old, that's way to young to die. I'm seriously almost crying right now. it's horrible how often things like this happen nowadays.

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