Oh my gosh o.o


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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This guy I know is MISSING! Nobody can find him!

I don't really know him that much....I met him briefly once and got his MSN, but that was it. We hardly ever talk on MSN, though.

Well, just a few minutes ago I said "hi" to him, and this was the response, "This is his mother. he is missing! do you know where he might be?" At first I thought it was a joke but it's REAL. Everyone knows about it and police are on the case.

I feel scared. What if I get questioned, or somehow get involved? o.o I don't know why that would happen but WHAT IF? I hardly know him!!!

Help. Advice needed.

Uhm. I don't know what to say. If you get questioned just tell 'em what you know.

I doubt you'll get involved. You barely know him..

Don't worry. ;D

Woah, Thats creepy. Hopefully, since you don't know him much, you won't get questioned. But if you do, I would suggest telling them that you barely knew him and talked to him a little on MSN. Just tell them what you know and what could possibly help.

0.0 That is freaky.

They probably won't question you because he didn't know you that well.

Probably just his good friends.

I hope they find him!

That's never a good thing.

How long has he been missing, do you know?

They shouldn't question you, but if they do just be prepared to tell them everything you know, even if it isn't much.

I hope he's found soon. That's a scary thing to have happen to a friend x.x

^ I couldn't agree more that is scary and try doing what SK said if they question you just tell them what you know. I hope he's found too.

That's freaky... :D

If they do question you, just say everything you know about him, and if they ask more say that's all you know.

I don't really know what to do...That has never happened to me before. I hope he is found, and how long has he been missing?

Thank you everyone.

He still hasn't been found yet....supposedly he's been kidnapped. D: I feel so bad. I didn't go into much detail of how I knew him in my first post, but I'll explain now.

I met him at a community dance...he is friends with two of my guy friends. He had bought me a pop so I danced with him a few times to thank him. But that's all......and yeah. :S

I hope he's found!!

Whoa. That's probably really weird for you. Wouldn't it be if you knew someone, and then you realized that that person might be dead or something? Sorry for the pessimist view, but that's probably how it will end up honestly, that's how it always does. But so anyway, keep us updated!

^ You're not really sorry for the pessimist view, or else you wouldn't have given one.

Anyways, wow. Scary. There's not really much you can do. Just hope and pray that he's alright.

Whoa. That's probably really weird for you. Wouldn't it be if you knew someone, and then you realized that that person might be dead or something? Sorry for the pessimist view, but that's probably how it will end up honestly, that's how it always does. But so anyway, keep us updated!
Eh, not always.

In 8th grade one of my friends went missing. She was found and was fine.

The only reason to think of it as always is because that's all we hear about.

We never hear about the people who go missing and are fine. Only the ones who have been found and were either raped or murdered.

It's not always like that though.

It's very possible he's alive, and Phobo, if you were sorry, you wouldn't have said something like that to bring her spirits down anyway.

So nice try.

Maybe he just decided that he needed some time away from home or something.

Maybe he ran away.

Maybe he's at the library or something o_o

Maybe he went somewhere and forgot that he hadn't told his mom.

Maybe his phone died.

Maybe he's lost.

Maybe his phone died and he's lost.

Who knows?

But I bet he's alive.

I hope so.

Good luck in finding him :3

If you get questioned, just tell them the little bit that you know. Nothing bad'll happen. They have no evidence against you or anything.

Thanks everyone. :)

It's been 3 days....and no luck. :( I'm really scared. He was a nice guy...and the day he disappeared I had talked to him on MSN and he seemed perfectly happy making sarastic remarks like, "yeahh i know im the best ;D". I just hope he's alright.

wow! that's scary. good luck.

( )( )

( )( )


[four leaf clover]

When crap like this happens in my city, they find the victim's body found behind a store/in a swamp/in a trashcan about a week later.

I hope that doesnt happen to him D:

This topic can be closed. :)

I saw him earlier at the dance. He told about what happened. Long story short: he had gone to a friends and forgot to tell his parents, and he had spent two nights there thinking his parents knew.

I'm so happy he's okay. XD

This topic can be closed. :)I saw him earlier at the dance. He told about what happened. Long story short: he had gone to a friends and forgot to tell his parents, and he had spent two nights there thinking his parents knew.

I'm so happy he's okay. XD
Oh jeez XD

I remember once my friend's mom was frantic looking for her. Claiming she looked 'everywhere'. She called all of her friends looking for her. One of my friends suggested finding her dog first because the dog always followed her.

She was sleeping in her bed under all the covers.

Glad to here he's ok, lol.

Oh jeez XD
I remember once my friend's mom was frantic looking for her. Claiming she looked 'everywhere'. She called all of her friends looking for her. One of my friends suggested finding her dog first because the dog always followed her.

She was sleeping in her bed under all the covers.

Glad to here he's ok, lol.
O: Wowwww.

Yeah, glad he's alright. I was really scared while reading this topic. My greatest fear is being kidnapped. Ever. ^_^

This one girl in my town reported that while she was jogging a man got out of his car and tried to force her in, but she broke free and ran home. Her dad called the police and it was all the news was reporting about. They even had a sketch of the guy.

A week later she confessed she made it all up.

But then she said the only reason she said she made it up was to get people to leave her alone and stop asking her about it. It was something she wanted to forget.

I don't know though. She seemed like the typed to make stuff up to get attention, but you can never be sure.

Glad he's found though!! :D

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Oh jeez XD
I remember once my friend's mom was frantic looking for her. Claiming she looked 'everywhere'. She called all of her friends looking for her. One of my friends suggested finding her dog first because the dog always followed her.

She was sleeping in her bed under all the covers.

Glad to here he's ok, lol.
Lol that's like what happened to my sister once we couldn't find her and my grandma and I were really terrified and my cousin found her sleeping under covers too XD. Thank goodness he's ok now ^_^ .

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