Oh My Gosh :O


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Guys, the Recluse thing is way overblown. It's p retty hard to actually get bitten by a Brown Recluse Spider, they are very shy spiders. Just check your clothes quickly before you put them on if you live in an area where they live. I make a habit of it and it's a very simple preventative measure. In Kansas, we DO have Brown Recluse spiders...but we also have several other species of house spiders that look identical to the Recluse and are completely harmless. Most of the time that you see a "Brown Recluse", it is actually one of these more common and active species instead.
Now, I was actually bitten by a real Brown Recluse a few years back. It bit me in the inner elbow, but the worst I got from it was a smaller-than-dime sized area that became red and then eventually the skin died and came off over a period of a few weeks. Not a lot of pain, and the resulting scar is very small. Not every bite results in a huge, gory scene like they show online.

I also had a pet Brown Recluse that someone gave me because they found it in their house and were terrified. It was a very docile, slow moving spider, barely able to even catch baby crickets for it's prey. Very wimpy little guy, and certainly far from being a big, scary, aggressive spider.

****A MUCH worse and gory injury I've had resulted from me spilling Nail Polish Remover all over my left hand. I couldn't wash it off before it soaked into my skin. For the next 8 months, my entire hand except for my pinky finger turned into hundreds of small, blisters that hurt and itched intensely. It drove me crazy. After the blisters went down, all of my skin on my hand down into the pink, soft layer of skin died and fell off. It was extremely painful and ugly. That was 2 years ago, and I still have small areas of blisters appear on the damaged skin if it gets to dry or gets an irritant on it. My skin is very thin there now and looks different from my other hand. This was a bad 2nd degree chemical burn I suffered...all from nail polish remover. So, there are lots of rare opportunities to recieve creepy injuries from all kinds of things that we live around, not just from these little spiders.
Thank you for making me feel better. xDD

Anyways, I don't have to worry anyways. I live in California right now, and the Brown Recluse spiders don't live there.

The computer teacher at school (who just happens to be my bff's mom) said that wiki is very inaccurate but according to the map there they aren't in New York so I'm happy.

Wait so I checked the link to the article she was talking about and I saw this long big brown spider and I had a heart attack. I guess I hate seeing pics of spiders. Im arachnaphobic great. but do they live in utah? I'm too afraid to check because of the picture so just let me know.

Wait so I checked the link to the article she was talking about and I saw this long big brown spider and I had a heart attack. I guess I hate seeing pics of spiders. Im arachnaphobic great. but do they live in utah? I'm too afraid to check because of the picture so just let me know.
Umm i'm pretty sure they do they live everywhere in the U.S and Canada, when i was in Florida i saw tons of them too.

Sort of Off-Topic: I had a dream yesturday that they were crawling all over me then I sleep-walked to my moms room and slept there for the night and when i was half awake i had a holosination that there was one on my leg and i started screaming.

Scary x_X me and my sis have a spider phobia! i hate all spiders! i don't buy grapes because of a black widow spider incident X_X

It kinda makes me sad the mass hysteria that these articles can cause. :) There is no reason for all this panic and hype. I'm going to repeat, those gory results are VERY rare, you more thn likely have never actually seen the REAL Brown Recluse spider in person, and you can get much more horrifying injuries from a car wreck. Do you stop driving/riding in a car because of the possibility of a wreck?

If you encourage the development of an irrational fear of spiders you are just causing yourself a whole lot of extra stress. No matter where you live, you are likely a matter of feet away from several spiders. If spiders were SO dangerous/aggressive, we would all be missing digits and limbs!

Uhg, I saw some pictures.... I actually am glad they aren't found in Florida.
It look's painful.....And disgusting.

I have a question, a few year's ago, I got off the bus and started to walk home. When I looked forward to start walking, I jumped and almost fainted. I saw a HUGE spider web with a HUGE brown spider nesting in the dead center of it, right on the sidewalk between a tree and fence. I was scared to DEATH but happy I didn't run into it (It was atleast more then half the size of my palm) It was brown, had a hairy thoraz, and looked disgusting. What was it?
Aren't found in Florida? I had one in my house!!

Be careful when you offer info like this.
Also, when you receive info like this, be sure to look it up on your own.

Some clips from WikiPedia:

This spider is not aggressive and usually bites only when pressed against the skin, such as when tangled up within clothes, bath towels, or in bedding.

Most bites are minor.

Most fatalities are in children under 7 or those with a weaker than normal immune system.

If you want to see the whole thing along with a distribution map, see WikiPedia:

thats a relife

Ugh, that's very scary.

I live in PA. Do you think they're here as well?

I never been very fond of spiders.

Aubrey Hepburn, that sounds very painful. :mellow: I spill nail polish remover sometimes, but it never soaks in. How long did you leave it on?

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