Oh My Gosh!


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Are Tamagotchis popular in your hometown?

  • Of course-- everybody has one, including me!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know, they aren't allowed in school

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My friends have them but that's not a lot of people

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You're looking at the only person in my town with a Tamagotchi.

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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tamas arent popular in my school (only me and my friend have them). and now my principal banned them from the school...

3 of my friends have them and me i wish they would get more poular but then they would sell out faster so i guess its ok :D

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I know ppl in my school who have tamas. there are about 4-5 in my grade(7) and there are about 20 in grade 5. some of my teachers don't mind them but our principal hates them. if you ask anyone in my grade, they'll probobally tell you that before school, the thing you'll see me and my buddys doing most is talking about and playing with tamas. :D

really pouplar in my school but they are not allowed in class but i've seen people sneek them * looks around*

nobody at my school has one but me and my best friend. And she took her brother's so she has a lot to take care of! I have a V1, a V2, a V3, and a mini. They allow them in our school. Atleast I think.........

Tamagotchis are like a new fad at my school. Here's the chain. First Blanca got one, then Gaby got one, than Hankyeol got one, then I got one, then Suha got one, and then Azzah got one. I suspect it will keep going on like that.

tamas arent popular in my school (only me and my friend have them). and now my principal banned them from the school...

Sadly, they banned them in my school, too. I don't think they're popular anymore, but I cherish my V3 like it was my baby.

So, yeah, I guess they're not that popular.

But the principle has a point. My mind was on my tama more than my work. So, as scary as it seems, I think what she did was a good thing.

:p Alimania :)

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Well I asked a teacher if they're alowed at school, but she said they arent. I still bring it though. Have to hide it from every one exept my friend, because they will tell like little babys. :p :)

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Tamagotchis used to be very big in my school, then only little kids, me and my friend have Tamagotchis in my school. Now everyone starts insulting me because I like Tamagotchis!


Me and my friends 'set off the craze' of Tamagotchi V1, V2 and V3's in my school, now loads of ppl including some boys in my school have them!

Judging by how there's never any in stock within a 40 miles radius of my house, I'm thinkin they're pretty popular o.o' I never see people with them though. That's the weird thing.

No, Tamagotchi's are not popular in my school (7 & 8th grade)! Atleast not in 8th. I don't associate with any 7th graders, and I'm the only one with them! If Kiera has one they're weird, only wierd people can like them. XD That's how people look at it in my school. Not in a bad way, as bad as that sounds. :mellow:

I think mostly like elementary kids get them, around where I live. Course, I wouldn't know. I don't know any elementary kids. :mimitchi:

I really super want one!! LOL And I am getting one, and most of my friends have it, like tons of my friends have it! lol And I'm gonna get it!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY ;) :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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