oh no i think my parents are.......


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...^^ My parents fight a lot too...for no reason sometimes, or just over the lamest, randomest stuff. They'll swear...and yell until I'm sure someone will just walk out and never come back, but it's never come to that. It always ends up being just one of those long periods of time where no one will talk to each other and our whole house is in a bad mood. I hate it when parents fight, I just hate it! :wub: :wub:


I know what you're going through. My parents are NOT going to stay together unless my father learns how to treat people. He is incredibly rude and disrespectful to me and my mother, when my mother does everything for him around the house and works two jobs to help out with money, and I have been the easiest and kindest daughter to raise that he could ask for. He has also managed to become such good "buddies" with my teenage little brother that my brother doesn't respect my mom either. Honestly, he never should have become a parent. I have a lot of hard feelings for him right now, and I hate to say it but it's true. It's not like he just gets angry, says a mean word, and gets over it. He is constantly rude to me and mom and NEVER tries to fix anything between us because he never takes any blame at all. He blames us for everything and has no remorse...therefore...I can't waste my time and feelings with a person that doesn't care to be kind at all. ^_^ I've tried to talk things out with him, but he just yells at me, says I'm crazy and making things up...that I'm wrong wrong WRONG...and walks out. Forget it. At this point(it's been this way for years) Mom would be much happier without him and his constant hatefulness. Oh yeah, he also says now that he is going to be the "ruler of his house" now, and "change things the right way" and we all(including mom) have to "bow down to whatever he says". He is nobody's master, and no role model with his drinking and smoking(a couple different things) and staying out all night. NOT going to happen. Not ever. Period.

**Much needed .^^
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that your mother will get the courage to say no to him and his unacceptable behaviour. Because you don't treat other human beeings like that!

I know what you're going through. My parents are NOT going to stay together unless my father learns how to treat people. He is incredibly rude and disrespectful to me and my mother, when my mother does everything for him around the house and works two jobs to help out with money, and I have been the easiest and kindest daughter to raise that he could ask for. He has also managed to become such good "buddies" with my teenage little brother that my brother doesn't respect my mom either. Honestly, he never should have become a parent. I have a lot of hard feelings for him right now, and I hate to say it but it's true. It's not like he just gets angry, says a mean word, and gets over it. He is constantly rude to me and mom and NEVER tries to fix anything between us because he never takes any blame at all. He blames us for everything and has no remorse...therefore...I can't waste my time and feelings with a person that doesn't care to be kind at all. ^_^ I've tried to talk things out with him, but he just yells at me, says I'm crazy and making things up...that I'm wrong wrong WRONG...and walks out. Forget it. At this point(it's been this way for years) Mom would be much happier without him and his constant hatefulness. Oh yeah, he also says now that he is going to be the "ruler of his house" now, and "change things the right way" and we all(including mom) have to "bow down to whatever he says". He is nobody's master, and no role model with his drinking and smoking(a couple different things) and staying out all night. NOT going to happen. Not ever. Period.

**Much needed .^^
omg im sooo sorry *sniff* . we are all equal both men and women so NOBODY has that right to treat people like that. my parents fight quite alot too.one time i heard my mom say its over its ruined! but its not it came out to be really alright. im glad and i hope the same happens to all u other kids/teens/parents. i hope your mom gets courage. itll be alright.

my meme and papa(grandpa and gradma)wer fighting somtimes so my sister(she was about 8 at the time)would cry and theyed stop.. :furawatchi:

I know what that feels like.

My parents used to (and still do) argure and shout and scream and swear at eachother. Part of the reason is that my mum is on anti-depressants and has ADD, and sometimes goes off her medication. It turns her into a lunatic.

If you are really concerned about your parents marriage situation, then you need to ask them about it. If they are thinking of getting separated or divorced, you could suggest marriage councilling. It worked for my mum and dad, and now they're still together, 5 years later. I even saw them this morning snuggling up together. So there you go. It could be that they just had a fight over some little thing like my mum used to have with my dad.Or it could be something more serious, which is why you need to consult one or both of them. Good luck.

My parents used to fight a lot.. just arguing and stuff.. slept in separate rooms. Then my mother met some guy online on the other side of the country, and moved there to live with him.. so my parents got separated.. it wasn't hard for me really, I was 16 at the time, because I never saw them hug or kiss or anything like that.. they always argued. It doesn't mean they hate each other... friends fight too, boyfriends and girlfriends fight... They just couldn't live together anymore.

I don't really see my mom more than once a year... I mean, I miss her a bit but I love living with my Dad, he helps me out with anything and takes good care of me.

Let us know what happens :furawatchi: I hope everything will be okay.

when i was 5 i woke up in the morning and i asked my mum were my dad was n she said we had a argument n he left i didnt belive her but they really had.. the most upsetting thing was it was my brothers 1st b'day :'(

Man... I hate it when my mom and stepdad fight. They fight CONSTANTLY. In fact, they just had a fight a few minutes ago. My mom usually ends up going upstairs and crying :rolleyes: I really hate it. They got a divorce for a little bit, like a few weeks. I stayed with my aunt for a night or so, and my little sisters were totally freaked out. My mom and dad had a divorce, but they **luckily!** get along still. They're just that couple that are better together as friends than as a couple. It happens... During the second divorce, when I wasn't at my aunt's house, I was at home. My mom stayed upstairs the whole time (she only came down to get food and bring it back up :) ) and I was miserable. I have to talk to a counselor now.... I'm so messed up from all of my life experiences. >.< I mean, seeing a counselor doesn't mean you're insane, but I'M pretty depressed. I will go see my mom a bit after a fight, and she tells me a while later that she's really happy that I'm there for her. My stepdad is really mean to me... I was sick these past few days, and all he cared about is whether or not I did my chores! My mom has been asking him to come home early lately, and he's been late. He always misses the train... So I think that's one of the things that they're fighting about. When they fight, I've noticed that my stepdad will let his anger out on me... Always. Since my sisters are 3 and 1, I'm the only one who will be affected by it >.< My mom and nanny have both noticed it. Thankfully my mom will stick up for me and say how helpful I've been. When they fight, they don't watch the kids, so it's up to me to take care of them on the weekends and after the nanny leaves. I'm not saying you should take a side (as that might make matters worse), but it may make one of them feel better.

My stepdad has cheated on my mom with numerous women. That's one of the things that makes my mom so upset. She feels like she's not pretty or anything, and it's really hurting her. It makes me so upset that he would do that. They've been married for about 3 years, and I guess he was cheating on her since they were dating! B) So over 2 years... And she didn't know about it. And it wasn't just one woman, it was multiple women. That made me sad, too. =(

It also saddened me when they got a divorce. I would wonder if they would stay divorced. If they did, I would think about my sisters. Would they ever have a "daddy" again? My one sister had already been left by a man... He was our dentist. He cheated on his wife with my mom, and they had my 3-year-old sister. After she was born, he left them. My 1-year-old sister loved her dad (my stepdad). She would smile when he picked her up, and sometimes only let him pick her up. >.< The 3-year-old (who was 2 at the time) loved to play with him. She said (one of the nights I was at my aunt's house) "Where's daddy?" and I started crying. My cousin cried, too. One of the nights I had to sleep with my sister since she wouldn't trust anyone else. That made me cry, too. And I'm not one to just start crying... It made me really sad...

Hopefully your parents will stop fighting. I really don't like how divorce rates are now-a-days... Unfortunately, divorces are one of the things that we can't control. Sometimes people are better apart, like my mom and dad. I remember they would fight a lot, and now my mom and dad are really friendly with each other. But since my dad is moving to California, and he and my stepmom have already put the house on the market, they are REALLY stressed. Now THEY'RE starting to fight. >.< Sometimes distracting yourself helps. I like to go on the computer and listen to music when they fight. Sometimes I watch TV in my room with the door closed, or I read (with music or something in the background :angry: ).

Here are some things that may help:

☻Distract yourself! When they start fighting, go in your room and play a game. Maybe play a video game. If they're in the room that the video games are in, then go get a handheld or something. Maybe try playing with your tamagotchi. Anything that will get your mind off of them fighting.

☻Try going outside or going to a friend's house. Maybe having one of your parents driving you somewhere can let them cool off and stop fighting.

☻Try getting them out of the house. Maybe not them alone, but maybe for a family thing. Go bowling, go mini-golfing, go to a nice restaurant. Something that will get their minds off of the issue, and it might get YOUR mind off it, too.

Those are all of the things that I could think of for now. If you need any other help, PM me. I've gone through this stuff, and I'll be happy to help you! =) I really hope that they stop fighting and that they won't start again!


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[SIZE=14pt]i hope they don't devorce i think it was just a argument are they still fighting? it could have just been a off day [/SIZE]

Guy's... this topic is way back from November. :D

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