Oh no.


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Rey Mysterio

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2006
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On Wednesday, Primary School ended- Secondary in September. I'm terrified of being picked on by older people, as I'm pretty small. And, worst of all- I'm leaving loads of my friends. :lol: On Wednesday, I was just an emontianal wreck- it was the 1st time anyone had seen me cry.

Any advice on how to be less scared? I'm just terrified... :)

Nothing to be scared of. I was scared leaving primary as well and being picked on, but most of the older kids are awesome! One is even me "mommy", LoL. It was sad to see them go to highschool this year..

Anyways, school is about learning and making new friends. If you stay focused and being yourself, this year will be a breeze. And just think, in a couple years, a kid will be worrying about the same things as you, so you're not alone.

You just gotta make the best of it. =)

Aw, come on!! I'm really small too, and it actually makes me laugh about what people think about me! It's so funny when they think I'm eight!!!!

Hey, knowing that youre so hyper, I think u should have a more happy optimistic personality like me. Just get out there and take control. And dont let anyone hurt your feelings, if they do just stay calm and think that you can make your life the way you want it.

:\ It's not something advice is going to change. It's your outlook, not something that you can just change in a snap.

Worrying isn't going to do anything or change anything. It will come, and you can only make the best of it. Stop fretting and have a good summer!

I agree with all the above. Dont be scared and chillax. Its not like you are gonna die! I got embarrased the first day of 2nd grade (primary school im guessing)!

I had a bloody nose! Secondary is nothing to worry about....all what it is, is PREPARATION. Trust me I wasnt prepared MY first day!lols!


P.S, I'm moving to a new school for 7th grade, and leaving my buds behind! :)

I am also very short for a to be 7th grader! As you already know... :lol:

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Hey, Rey. Don't worry about it and just relax. Worrying will only make things worse. Just enjoy your summer, for now.

Aw, come on!! I'm really small too, and it actually makes me laugh about what people think about me! It's so funny when they think I'm eight!!!!
It gets on my nerves when people think I'm 8- when they find out my real age, they laugh at me. :( I just get uncomfortable around really tall teenagers.

And, thanks guys- I'll enjoy the Summer!

Aww Don't be scared Hun :(

Its hard when you loose some of your Friends, But you will make new friends, You have a great personality so you will make loads of new friends in no time :wacko:

Nobody Will pick on you cos of your size, there will be more people your size when you get to HighSchool :wacko:

Good Luck Hunni!


Don't be scared. I'm sure that there are other people in the same position.

Most older kids are really nice! They probably remember how scared they were feeling on their first day.

Just relax, chill out and be outgoing.

Also be yourself.

Nothing to worry about. People shouldnt pick on you more then they do for a normal secondry school.

Don't worry! I went to the Hight school once (i guess thats after secondary) and im in elementary (primary) for feild day. And we had to ask a guy where the girls room was! He was really nice about it though! So big kids aren't that bad. When they make fun of you, don't care. If they see you care they will do it more.

Most of the time, people make fun of others because they are jelouse or insecure about themself.

Have a great summer! And enjoy every minute of it! :gozarutchi:

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