Ohhh. . . . big big SNAKE!


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Jul 7, 2007
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Ok, I live in Tennessee and I have a pool in my backyard and the other day we found a WATER MOCASIN (dunno how to spell it) But my mom was SCREAMING. I didn't get a good look at it but the CAMERA pictures freaked me out. My mom said it was hissing the WHOLE time. My step dad didn't exactly tell me what he did with it but i expect he called the animal control, or something to get it AWAY. I was so freaked out and then two days later I found a thing that looked like a baby tarantula in my room. Then the same day we found the first snake we found another one this big:


I was like . . .. that's a snake? You got to be kiddin' me! All i did was like put it in a container and threw it (not actually throw it but dumped it out the front door.

* The snake wasn't in the backyard it was in the garage when we found it. I'm just saying WATER mocasins are found in water.


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My snake is loose in my house somewhere.

We think he's up inside the fridge.

WOAH i wish i was there to see it! i love snakes and spiders!

glad it didn't bite you tho :)

If you encounter any snake...don't panic. A snake will never chase you, because he is terrified that you will attack him! Just calmly walk away from it if you see one outside, and he will leave as soon as the coast is clear. If it is in the garage, just do what you did and tell your parents. They should have him moved safely outside where he belongs.

It is actually a good thing to have snakes around your area, because most snakes cannot hurt you, but they WILL eat the things that can damage your house like mice and rats. Snakes are really neat and beneficial creatures that are just out to mind their own buisness, not to frighten you. :)

I used to have a snake when I was really young. It wasn't dangerous or anything - but one day it got loose from it's cage.

We think it went down in the basement. o.o

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