OK, I Need Advice


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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2006
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OK, well, I was in my technics class and I was sitting by myself. Then two boys in my class M and L came near me and started like, saying stuff. I was just sitting there and both of them were moving closer to me. Then M was like, "Hey. Can I touch your chest?" And I'm like "No." and L is like, "Please, just once." and they kept going on, I just said no but they kept on asking. Then the teacher came over to us, ( he didn't hear ) and told M and L to go back to there table. They kept looking at me and trying to walk really close to me.

Luckily, they are only in my elective classes but I'm really nervous about being in the same room as them. I really don't want to be any where near them. I didn't tell anyone, not my friends, not my parents, not my teachers. I don't want anyone to know. There is no possibility of me being moved to a different class. What should I do? I'm scared to be near them. Please help.

By the way, I'm only 13.



EDIT: post deleted for further confusion and fighting :mellow:


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they end up raping you
What a nice thing to say. >>


Just keep calm, you dont have to tell the teachers what you did, just keep saying, '___ keeps annoying me, and distracting me from working' things like that.


If you tslk about it you'll feel better. :]

Im not sure if its just a boy thing, where there just trying to freak you out.

What a nice thing to say. >>--

Just keep calm, you dont have to tell the teachers what you did, just keep saying, '___ keeps annoying me, and distracting me from working' things like that.


If you tslk about it you'll feel better. :]

Im not sure if its just a boy thing, where there just trying to freak you out.
Well it's a bit blunt telling someone they'll be raped, but their behaviour I will admit does raise a few red flags. I think they're a little young to rape...but sexually harass can be in around that age. I suggest contacting the school about this problem, and telling your parents. If the school does nothing, I suggest then to speak to the police about a possible step-in to talk to the boys about them being of age they could get charged for sexual harassment or assault if they continue their behaviour.

All else fails, restraining orders usually get the hint across :mellow:

For Petes Sake Tell The Principal

Its Sexual Harasment And They WILL Get In Trouble

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Tell your parents to talk to the prinipal- it's better than sitting in fear, right?

Talk to a teacher, a counselor, ESPECIALLY your parents. Nobody should have to put up with that if they're uncomfortable with it.

I know teachers, principals etc don't always help (I read about a girl who reported two bullies to the school system for four years - they didn't do anything until they had stamped her face into the ground) but your parents really should. I know it may arise some anxiety - but just think about it, what do you have to really fear in your parents??

If all else fails contact your local deputy if the problem persists.

Sounds like they are trying to rape you later on. Contact your parents and teacher immediately. They will be informed that two students are trying to do weird things to do - possibly even raping you. Also, contact the principle.

If the problem gets worse, tell your parents that it is getting worse, and possibly even a local policeman*.

*= Not so sure.

I don't think they are trying to rape you- they are just discusting boys that need to learn some respect and manners.

Tell your parents first- even if it's tough, it'll be worth it in the end. What do you have to loose?

Tell these people;





Make sure that you keep telling the boys to stop and stay awyay at all costs.

I really hope everything works out!

Oh, and one more thing. If they start to bug you again, go immediatly to the teacher- even if she or he is in the middle of something. If they won't help you just walk out of the room to the principal's office. Then they'll see you really mean buisness.


Those are some messed-up boys

Tell your school principal, teachers, or counselor.

tell someone or kick them wear the sun don't shine and say PREVERT!!

Tell your parents!!! That is like sexual harrassment right there. Your parents will call the principal and the principal can deal with Mental and Loopy. They should get suspended!

You really need to tell an adult at school like the counselor, a teacher, or even the principal. Letting your parents know is also a good idea. You have the right to feel unsafe and something needs to be done about these boys IMMEDIATELY.

Hope I helped,

Memetchi Dreamer

Uh Oh! We got Buisness here.

What is rong with them? Do they like you? Or want to freak you out.

But THAT right there is sexual harrassment. YOU need to tell your parents. (it's like this, You tell the parents,the parents tell the teacher,the teacher calls the principal,the principal calls the counselor,and the counselor calls the,(dun dun), police.

I hope they learn there lesson!

Let them know that you aren't afraid of them. And if the problem persists, contact an adult you trust, or a teacher, or guidance counselor.


for god sakes, that's sexual harrasmint. tell your parents, maybe the principal. if they keep doing it, obiously call the police!!!! and i disagree with the "parents call the teacher" thing, your parents will go right to the police, well, at least mine would. trust me. tell someone, and they'll get in trouble, and they'll stop. if they don't, ask to change schools or classes or something. GET RID OF THEM! hope i helped.

my friend came to me with the same problem once.....

anyway. tell and adult you trust, parents, the principal, or a counceler. If your not comfortable telling someone alone you can bring and EXTREMELY trustworthy friend to tell with you so if you feel uncomfortable they can talk (someone who won't go around telling every one) . i did the talking for one of my firends when she was having some trouble in school

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