Okay....If you knew you had 5 mins left..


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Yeah. Just without the whole dying part.
Feebee. I will jump with you. The dying part wouldn't even matter, because we'd all be gone in five minutes anyway. Holding hands and singing something by some legend rock band. Heaven.

FeeBee; For some reason that seems so cute even though its about commiting suicide when you know you'll be dead in 5 minutes. Maybe thats why you knew you had 5 minutes, you knew you were going to committ suicide. Then thats how we'd be able to get to Texas.


Now everyone's going to the bridge 8D. Haha, that'd be so fun. Dying with the friends you never got to meet until your death. ::]

Feebee, I'll drag myself and whoever I'm grinding over to bridge. We'll grind on my way over, so that way when there is exactly three seconds left I'll be able to remove my lover from me and jump off that bridge with you and everyone else.

I would hold hands with my best friend and cousin and jump off a clift into the ocean ^o^ ( it's like my second home ).

Hug and kiss everyone I know (err yes.. even my crush xD)

Post a thread on here titled IM DYINGGGG and it will contain OH NO I ONLY HAVE 5 MINS OF MY LIFE LEFT IM DYING NOO!!

Die with chocolate in my mouth. ;3

... I'd tell the tiny secrets that I've kept, since I was 5.

... I'd have already told everyone, so no worries there.

... I'd go to America. [Yes, in 5 minutes. >: ]

... I'd make sure all my family and my pets were okay, and hug them all.

... I'd jump from the D in the HOLLYWOOD sign, and whisper, "Asparagus."

What Would I do…? Hmm.

---First Minute;; Hug my family and tell them that I love them, and super fast call my best friend, tell her, and tell her to tell Harinee and Megan they’re awesome and great friends and such. I figure thirty seconds for family, 30 seconds for friends.

---Second Minute;; Go on TT and make my death topic, then if anyone was on TC, I’d go there super fast.

---Third Minute;; Somehow, I’d make it to my crushes house (or wherever he is) super fast ^.^’. Then I’d kiss him. D:

---Fourth Minute;; Scream while listening to part of ‘Time to Dance’ by Panic! At the Disco... .-. I dunno.

---Fifth Minute;; Pray and then die. And maybe I'd find the time to track down you all.

ohmygosh. I wish I did.

1st min- get myself off my butt and run to Edmonton with pit stops at Adeliade, Texas, etc.

2nd min- tell -a veeery close friend- all my secrets inc. all that dirty stuff at the back of my head. and kiss them.

3rd min- spend a whole minute kissing my posters of Short Stack.

4th min- do it with -a veeerey close friend-. die a virgin...? NO WAYY!

5th min- make sure I die in a -a veeery close friend-'s arms.

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Run around screaming, and then write instructions for my parents to take care of my catfish, and then die.

1. Say I love everyone

2. watch a joker vid for a minute

3. watch a sweeney video for a minute

4. watch a minute video involving my fav animes

5. put on my joker shirt and die

Do dirty things... with fernie <.<


5 minutes is hardly any time, but:

I would hug all my family and friends I could and say bye.+charlie.

Then, I would make out with Nick even if he didn't want me to, and that's probably all the time I would have. <_<


Haha, god that's lame. It really depends how fast I do everything.

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Write a note telling someone to send all my unsent letters.

Say I love you, I'm sorry, hey, whatever, to everyone.

Tell what's-their-face I'm in love with them.

Finish a song.

The story.

Let everyone know I'm going.

Jump off a Ferris wheel.

I'd jump :) (Sounds like a song!! -goes to scribble that down-)

1st minute; Post on here, About my death, Say Ilu to everyone here (Cinder, Feebee, Sthr, Storms, Nikki whoever else I forgot)

2nd Minute; Call Michael.

3rd Minute; Scream... As loud as I could.

4th Minute, Change my name to "Kat Lyric Skylar Cullen Dare Strawberry HelloKitty Love"

5th Minute; Jump off my roof at perfect timing to die half way down, laughing and yelling "I LOVE YOU"

Die with a smile :)

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KAY. I want to redo this.

1. Run around in panic mode.

2. Tell all my family and hug them and kiss them.

3. If I was near -insertcrushnamehere- I would do.. things with them

4. Still doing step 3

5. hang from the top of the tree

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