Old Times.


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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2008
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Okay, so, yeah. I love to look back at old topics, mostly old roleplays. I was just wondering if I'm the only one who does this. xD It's fun to look back at things and laugh at how illiterate I was.<3

Oh goodness. Becca and I had a PM discussion on this.

Those old topics are so embarassing. xD

It's so nostalgic but so awful.

^ I agree xD.

I love looking at all my old posts. Like Penguins said, it's embarassing but fun<3. I wish I could find my old roleplays, but I don't think they exist anymore. ^^;

I look at my old 4kids posts and laugh at myself. I was pathetic. XD

Ahh, I'm not alone.

But I hate that TamaTalk deletes really old roleplays. But I love it at the same time, because Nicola can't find me roleplaying so badly and other stuff. xD


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I used to. I don't any more. I don't really want to any more. They deleted the Panic topics, and I would love so much to look back at the band topics from summer. but those are the only ones I've very interested in any more.

Teh last time I partook in such nostalgia was when I was looking for James.

But that fixed a whole lot of nothing, so.

I kinda gave up.

Maybe I'll get over my slump.


It didn't last.

But, yeah, I haven't looked back on old topics in a while. Not on here, anyway.

I don't really wanna see what I was, because I was an idiot. xD

And one day I'll find someone or something and we'll be nostalgic together about everything here that went on that nobody ever noticed, that nobody ever knew about, that nobody had an idea of how significant it was.

One day, I'll wanna remember.

Because I loved summer.

Some of it.

But it didn't last. It dissappeared.

I hate looking back at my old posts. It just shows me how much I've changed because I sounded so stupid back then.

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I do that all the time. I look back, and I go, "WTF? That was me? I actually thought like that?"
Remember that topic I showed you about throwing up? LOL!

I used to be a n00b because I joined TT back in 2005.

I was 7 or 8 back then.

I used to annoy this guy who was like 5 years older than me :3

Ahhh, I love looking back.

Haha, not long ago, I looked back at the stuff you learned topic.

Esther seemed to be quite againgst me, lol.

But we are twins now.

I sometimes do... but it's usually really embarrassing so I only look at topics where I was literate and wasn't acting stupid. Like, on one of my earlier accounts on here, I was looking at some of my old posts and I was thinking, "...Did I really to used to type like that and spam smilies...?" and then I realised that people could see what I used to be like and made a new account. Yes, I don't like using an account that's... "tainted". Don't ask.

I haven't done so in a while.

I like to log into my oldoldold account from '06 and look all of my 150 posts though. =3

I just go on all the old accounts that I can remember (like, 5% of TT's bandwith) and look at how much of a n00b I was.........

Wow, I was a big n00b! I started alot of flamewars as a 9 year old...............

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