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Feb 1, 2007
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I have an 11 yr. oldie Ponitchi and I missed the Matchmaker so she never had a baby.I am looking forward to a new baby to care for, but don't want to reset my Oldie either.I am caring for my Oldie very well but am sort of wondering how long she will be around.Can anyone give me an Idea as to how long a well cared for V4 can live?? Thank you

well, i don't exactly know, but i do know if there is a love potion on there, you could probably get a baby with the first person u connect with

I have an 11 yr. oldie Ponitchi and I missed the Matchmaker so she never had a baby.I am looking forward to a new baby to care for, but don't want to reset my Oldie either.I am caring for my Oldie very well but am sort of wondering how long she will be around.Can anyone give me an Idea as to how long a well cared for V4 can live?? Thank you
If you are talking about Ponitchi set the times to 10:29 AM, 2:59 PM, or 6:59 PM, and wait a minute. Your tamagotchi can live forever! :p

B) Locky458 :D

why ?

after missing the matchmaker and becomin an oldie, why setting time 4 matchmaker ? she wont come^^

if u know another oldie of different gende, u still can mate

i dont know if any1 already tried how long a v4 lives as well cared oldie


that tama IS 11 and obviously not dead^^

it probably won't live as long as you'd like it to :lol: but!! if and when it does pass do let us know :]

Forever. There was a member on here and her oldie lived to about 102.

TG4E :rolleyes:

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It depends on how you take care of them. If you take good enough care, your tamagotchi can live forever :) ! When it goes to the age 99, it won't age anymore. Everyday it will stay 99. Good luck with your tamagotchi :rolleyes: !


What was it as an adult? If it was somthing good and you have been taking care of it your tama could live for a LONG TIME. I hope I helped :rolleyes:

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