Oldskool Fakes?


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Jun 8, 2008
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I doubt many here will remember the original Tama craze, but back in the mid-90's they were everywhere, and spawned the inevitable knock-off trade. (JD looks like small fry in comparison!).

I was wondering how many people still have their old-skool tama knock off's lying around, or wethere there's anywhere on the net that features them??

I remember getting my fake tama through mail order (pre-internet days!), it was a small yellow tama, looked quite nice, and had a range of dinosaur characters whihc evolved according to your care, so quite good. I'll get some pics up when I retrieve it from my parent's house in a forntight or so.

Anybody got any others to share?

i have 3 one is the gold tama then a black and silver and a blue one with the characters on it thats all but im goin to get another in the mail hey the dinasour tama u have its not one but it isnt a fake bandai did indeed make it there pretty expensive right now so dont lose it

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Dinkie Dinos were NOT made by Bandai! And they AREN'T fakes! I'm borrowing my friends old Dinkie Dino and it is NOTHING like Tamagotchi. The only similarity is that it evolves. Thats it.

I have a fakey that I bought back in '98 at Hot Topic on clearance for $1.50 that is blue with four buttons instead of three, and the shell has "My Kitten" at the top. It is a really cute black kitten that does everything a tam does, and if you don't take good care of him, he runs away. I forget the company who made him; there is no company name on the shell, but he is fun to play with. :lol:

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