OMG my tama just got married! -Question inside..


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-Tama Girl-

Well-known member
May 23, 2008
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Tamatown 8)
(I have the v5) YAY! im sooo happy my tamagotchi is married, and produced new eggs, but when i feed the babies, the mom and dad come in through the sides, and then leave, then the babies eat whatever i gave them, im confused!

ohyeah its normal.

when u r married, teh parents dont stay on screened anymore.

instead, they only appear when:


u feed food

u give it medicine


hope i helped!

Yeah the parents only appear when you are feeding the kids, giving them medicine, going to the bathroom and other things. They also appear when you press the C button while on the main screen. Hope I helped! :(

-Tama Girl-, please do not SPAM. Refer to the TamaTalk rules to know what SPAM is.

And what you're experiencing is normal. If you are generation 2 or older, when you feed your tamas, the parents bring out the food and feed it to their children. Also, if you leave your tamagotchi alone for a while (generation 2 and older) you can see your tamagotchis interacting with the parents! Usually the parents will come on screen eating bananas, or you'll see your oldest tama vacuuming with the mother.

The parents will also appear if your tamas need medicine.

Oh thanks :furawatchi: :furawatchi: I know what spam is, and im not spamming, i was asking what happened to my tamagotchi! :D

because the babie's mum and dad come to feed them coz they are babies, they cant pick it u themselves? i know it exzagurated then

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