OMG! o.o


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Well-known member
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Southern Ontario
I'm not sure if anyone else has heard about this, but Zach Braff (Plays JD) is leaving Scrubs! D:

Scrubs without Zach Braff is like House without Hugh Laurie or The Simpsons without Homer!

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I do watch that show , but I don't know their real names ^_^ Is it Dr.Cocks? Or is it JD? Sorry , it would help if you said their screen names , since I've never paid attention to their celebrity names. but anyways , if it's Dr.Cocks , I'd just be so sad! I mean , he's my favorite. it can't be JD , he's the main character :( . It's not turk is it? Well , we can do without him :D

Reply ASAP.

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No O: 



We're not talking about House. We're talking about Scrubs ^_^ But since you compared it with house , I guess you are talking about Dr.Cocks. Or do you mean like , the main character? Omg , it's JD , isn't it!? :(

Lol. No. I just love House. House is one of my favourite shows <3 

But I love Scrubs too.
Lol :D My grandma likes house. He likes him because he limps just like her. She always says , " see! Limping people can be doctors too ^_^ " . So , I'm almost forced to watch it . Anyways , I'm still very curious to see who's leaving the Scrubs cast :(

I do watch that show , but I don't know their real names :mellow: Is it Dr.Cocks? Or is it JD? Sorry , it would help if you said their screen names , since I've never paid attention to their celebrity names. but anyways , if it's Dr.Cocks , I'd just be so sad! I mean , he's my favorite. it can't be JD , he's the main character :mellow: . It's not turk is it? Well , we can do without him :D
Reply ASAP.
Zach Braff is JD.

I can't believe he's leaving :(

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Zach Braff is JD.I can't believe he's leaving ^_^
Oh My Gosh :D He's the star though! Ok , so what's going to happen to the show ? Will they get a new JD or will the show be canceled? This is such a disappointment :( I need a moment .. * sobs *

To be honest, I don't know. I really hope they will find someone else to play JD, because I would be so bummed out if they cancelled Scrubs :[ Even if they find someone else, the show just won't be the same.

To be honest, I don't know. I really hope they will find someone else to play JD, because I would be so bummed out if they cancelled Scrubs :[ Even if they find someone else, the show just won't be the same.
I agree. It wouldn't be the same :( I might not watch it anymore. I wonder how the cast members are getting through this. I hope they're not to tough on the hew guy :p where did you find this out , Wildcat_Gal?

I saw it on a website, but I don't remember the name of it.You might be able to find it if you Google it.
Nah :rolleyes: You already found it for me . Anyways , well , thanks for sharing that. It's like , there's a world outside my world. ( I know , that sounded openly conceited :angry: )
