Omg, yesterday evening someone...


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Well-known member
May 8, 2006
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Southern Ontario
Okay, well yesterday evening someone my age (12) was riding his bike with his friend, and he decided to go over the train tracks and he got hit by a train. His friend wasn't hit, he made it in time. But the one the did was thrown into a patch of grass from the impact, and he died.

Please don't say anything like "Oh, he deserved it! He was stupid enough t go across the tracks!" Right now it's the biggest story in my town, and even the people who never knew him or heard his name are really sad and are hoping the best for his family and friends.

Wow. That's sad.

No offense to anybody, but maybe he could have been more careful. :(

I agree, a quick look to see if anything is on the tracks could save a life.

Im so sorry to hear that :[

wow. That sucks. But he could have at least looked to see if a train was coming. He probably did, and just wanted to make it across. That must have been the worst thing ever for his friend. I'm pretty what some people call shallow, and after a day I try to forget everything, but you know, it happened, it's over with, I'm not letting it drag me down. I move on. I don't know what that's like, but I'm sure it's just terrible to watch someone die and actually FEEL emotion because of it, and not be unfased, like I would be. What's odd is I'd be a lot more frantic if the kid was dying, I'd be sobbing and dialing 911 and talking really fast, but if I felt his pulse and knew he was dead, I'd calmly dial 911, explain what happened, then call my parents and tell them to come pick me up. But back to the point, try to do what I do, try to distract yourself from the bad things in life that you can't change.

I had a friend who was hit by a train when I was in 8th grade.

At first I was devastated, but now I look back on it and think of what an idiot he and his friend were that day.

They were flat out playing on the tracks. Not even just crossing over them. Loitering.

I'd never say he or this kid deserved it, but it shows a great lacking of common sense.

ahhh .....what are his family feeling right now..... least his friend didnt get hit ....poor kid

Wow. That sucks. Poor kid.

Every time I see the description to this topic, by the way, I have to look ALOT harder to notice it's a frown face, not a smile face. xDD

Thats sad..

Someone in my town was cought inbetween the gates and the car was toldald by the train

:) If that happened to my friend I'd be crying like crazy. No wonder that's the biggest story in your town!



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