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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2007
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Somewhere your not XD
Ok so the past couple days i have been going to my friends house after school and I cut through the yards because she lives behind me and i was walking today and i noticed that it was flooded about 4 inches out back and my shoes were wet and they like still are. Did you get that rain the other day?

well i havnt gotten rain but i have snow!it was snowing all night

and all day tht they closed school and we have about 13 inches

in SNOW!!an also i live in illinois.anyways

nope not for me maybe a snow flood though!lol! :)

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We had a tornado warning where I'm at, and we still had school. The whole way to school I was letting my mouth gape open at the lightening strikes I saw. Then once I got to school I realized I left my backpack at home, so I called mom who finally gave in to bring me my backpack. She thought she looked so bad that I had to wait at the doors so she wouldn't have it come in. It was worse. The weather, I mean. Wind was blowing in every direction, I could hear thunder over the voice of our princapal on the morning show. At one point I couldn't even open the door because when I did my face got hit with rain and wind. One guy tryed to leave the school and the door didn't shut like it normally would when he walked off. Instead, the wind held it flung open as rain hit the ground at awkward angles.

After school, I was looking around at the ground when my brother was driving me home. What used to be slight ditches now looked like ponds. My brother even dared me to swim in one because he thought it was so deep.

So yeah, I guess you could say we've had some gosh awful weather.

Wow. Bet the weather man didn't forecast some of that!

Anyways, my backyard hasn't flooded before, but the school field often looks like a pond with big ice chunks in it during the spring. Then one day it froze over into a huge thing of ice, with points sticking out at odd angles. Needless to say, the school field was fenced off for a week. Then a couple days ago we got almost a foot and a half of snow. It was crazy! We were out shoveling for hours, and the snowplows didn't come until around four pm. The snow was already packed nicely into deadly, dangerous ice by then, and they didn't even put salt out. My friend says that the official snowfall was really only eleven inches where I live, but they didn't see my house. Snow must have blown into our yard from the park; it was literally pasted to the front door and the park was pretty bare.

;) HATE winter weather...

We had a tornado warning where I'm at, and we still had school. The whole way to school I was letting my mouth gape open at the lightening strikes I saw. Then once I got to school I realized I left my backpack at home, so I called mom who finally gave in to bring me my backpack. She thought she looked so bad that I had to wait at the doors so she wouldn't have it come in. It was worse. The weather, I mean. Wind was blowing in every direction, I could hear thunder over the voice of our princapal on the morning show. At one point I couldn't even open the door because when I did my face got hit with rain and wind. One guy tryed to leave the school and the door didn't shut like it normally would when he walked off. Instead, the wind held it flung open as rain hit the ground at awkward angles.After school, I was looking around at the ground when my brother was driving me home. What used to be slight ditches now looked like ponds. My brother even dared me to swim in one because he thought it was so deep.

So yeah, I guess you could say we've had some gosh awful weather.
Yeah, Tornados. But Florida is hurricane-proof, so everyone was like "whatever".

Well my area was flooded here a few weeks ago. It was supposed to get to our house, but it never came close.

I have some pictures of it if you want. PM me to see them, cause I couldn't be bothered right now xD

We have gotten a lot of rain, and my basement is flooded.

Weeks ago it rained so much. I had to walk through the school and park's field. The water felt so gross in my shoes xP

yea i got rain, not a lot though, i live in souther california :wacko:
I live in southern California too ^__^ But it's rained a lot this year in my part.

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a few months ago my friends backyard was flooded sooo much that you can go conoeing in it wich they did o_O

I got rain the other night but not enough to flood us in or anything like that. :p

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