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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2007
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So i was on my way to 6th per. and i saw J, (she's my so called best friend), so i broke in2 a run and saw my super kewl sunglasses fall out of my pocket. I said hi 2 J and realized that my sunglasses fell out so i told her 2 stay and i went 2 gra my sunglasses. BUT THEY WERE GONE! *dun dun duuun!* N, (a guy in my class who gets in trouble), some other boys were snickering. It was either they took it, knew who took it, or saw me panicing all over the place looking 4 my $10 sunglasses. However, i did c J's stalker bend over. So anyways, i had 2 go back 2 class so i wouldn't be late. And J ditched me.

Later on, i called J and asked her y she ditched me and she said she'd be late 4 class. She talked 2 her stalker 4 me because she knew what happend and he says N took 'em. Both J and i don't know what 2 believe. So these questions r left untold:

1. Who took my sunglasses!?

2. Should i believe J's stalker?

3. Y did N and he frineds snicker?

4. Could J's stalker be lying?

5. will i ever get anymore of that delisious lemenade?

:eek: :eek: :D :D :D :D B) B) B)

I couldv'e sworn this topic was going to say, "OMG! Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?" 8D -shot-

N probably took the sunglasses, but you should never assume things. You kind of lost in my in the text wall and the l33t. :I

I think it's N. If he gets in trouble a lot, he probably took it.

N would've gave it back by now, maybe it was 1 of his frineds? Then agin idk him that well.... he's also acting as if nothing happend! TT-TT

haha, I think it's you. You are trying to trick us! 8D

Well seriously.. I dunno.. N, I guess? Maybe you could ask him.

haha, I think it's you. You are trying to trick us! 8DWell seriously.. I dunno.. N, I guess? Maybe you could ask him.
it is not a joke though.......I guess i'll ask, but im afraid i'll embarris myself like i do around every1! :p B) ^_^

We can't really tell you who took them. It could have been anyone, not just the 'suspects' you've listed.

Don't freak or get like super paranoid over $10 sunnies. My sunnies were $24 and my other ones $12. If I lost them or broke them they aren't going to take much to replace.

Excuse me if I sound rude, but maybe i'd be able to give better advice if you used grammar, capitals and real words!

Excuse me if I sound rude, but maybe i'd be able to give better advice if you used grammar, capitals and real words!
Grammar freak

But then again, I was freaking out over the misspelled words...


We wouldn't know who took them, we weren't there. Why don't you try talking to these people. That would probably help...

Excuse me if I sound rude, but maybe i'd be able to give better advice if you used grammar, capitals and real words!
Excuse me if I sound rude, but maybe I'd be able to give better advice if you used grammar, capitals and real words!

I couldn't help myself.


Well, just try confronting N and ask him.

You can't do anything else really.

...What did you say? I don't speak txt tlk :|

But according to everyone, apparently, you lost your sunglasses. My advice?

Buy some new ones.

thanks everyone, im sorry about the text stuff, im just use 2 it! But my point is that It was either N or J's stalker.

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