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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2005
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I went to meijer's today with my mom grochery shopping and decided to check on the tamagotchi's for the heck of it and I found a lavender camaflauge one AND this one I NEVER seen! It's pearl and has hearts on it and the lower right has a tama blowing a kiss with a heart! It's so cute! There was a sorta clear purple one with white diamonds on it but didn't have enough :rolleyes: I also got the bertie aqua pet my first one! So happy! Is the pearlish one rare?

Sounds awsome! I think its rare, I haven't seen any around lately except for the original v2 designs, I'm hoping to find the tamagotchi with the melon colored background with a palm tree and a surfboard at wal-mart.

Oh! Do you think you can post a picture of it? That would be awsome!

wow awsome find

but u posted this in the wrong forum so i'll kindly move it for u..oh and please dont post questions or things like this in here(The Comments&Rumors section)again :eek: thanx

~shawdy~ :rolleyes:

*Topic moved by Shawdy*

That is the white camouflage. I call it the Arctic Camouflage. It isn't that rare. The one with hearts, and the pink with diamonds are the rarest version two's. You should have gotten one ofr those. :rolleyes:






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sorry didn't know where to put the topic ^^;

and I got the pink heart one! ^^ just didn't get the diamond one

Cool! They are soo rare! my friend has the arctic adn my other friend has the pink with diamonds and my other friends friend has pink hearts. Did you buy any?

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