One Click, and We're Dead


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Zachary Konreignes

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
You're on and you receive an E-Mail from someone who calls themselves [email protected]. It reads...

Hello friend,

You have been elected to try out a new technology that allows human beings to view the Internet in an entirely different way. This will allow people to be inside the computer screen. We want you to try this new software for free. If you have an LCD screen, this software is compatible with your computer! Please download the file here: safe_download.exe

The download doesn't wait for your queue. It saves on your computer's hard drive and initiates itself. Your anti-virus program brings up a warning message. You don't have time to respond before your computer screen lights up brightly. The blinding light shines directly at your face. The light gets even brighter until you can't see anything around you. All of the sudden, a strange feeling overcomes your body. You're not sitting anymore... It's more like you're floating. You open your eyes, and you see a few other people in a small circular room with chairs lining the parameter. Upon a closer look, they're your TamaTalk friends! But you feel strange... You're saved as a computer file. You're on the TamaTalk server.

Upon closer inspection, you're a .PRSN file. This isn't a common file extension. Your file properties tell you that you take up 8.26 GB. You're a very noticeable file, it seems... Can you get back to your computer and out of cyberspace before you're deleted?

Roleplay rules:

1: You're not restricted to being only in TamaCHAT, but please try to keep everyone in one general website. This will avoid confusion.

2: No Mary-Sues or Mary-Stus or Kawaiis. Do not start posting until I accept your form.

3: The Internet has inappropriate websites, but if you search something on Google in this roleplay (or any search engine), please assume that the filter is on “Strict”. Please don't go intentionally onto them either (repeated violations will result in post restriction.)

4: Please use proper spelling and puncuation.

5: Quality over quanity. I personally prefer to see great, short posts rather than long posts that don't make sense.

6: No godmodding or taking control of other's characters. The conflict in this story isn't made to be solved in one post. Other people's characters are not yours to control. The only exception to this is when I must take control of a character to kill them off if the member has been inactive for more than seven days.

7: Please contact the group if you're not going to be able to post for more than 24 hours. This way, there's not any confusion as to why someone's not posting. Use the OOC topic to notify people of absence.

8: People that have not posted for more than a week will have their character's file deleted. The only exceptions to this are when someone notifies the group beforehand. If there is no notification, I will take control of your character and I will kill them off. This will not be a reversible process.

9: As always, all TamaTalk rules still apply.


Character name:

Character gender:

Character age:

Character personality:

Character appearance:

Computer's name (optional):

Computer location: (please use your timezone and country for this.)

Other (optional):

Now let's all have FUN! EUE

My form:

Character name: Yori Norman

Character gender: Male

Character age: 15

Character personality: He's a little bit of a diva. He is a bit ditzy and he breaks things without meaning to. He likes the idea of romance and is easily attracted to people. He's really nice, but if people mess with him without stopping, he can get extremely angry. He's described as scary when he's serious. Loves to be the hero, but doesn't make the effort to be one. People often underestimate his abilities, since he hides them to make himself look weak. Positively loves cats.

Character appearance: He has light blue eyes with blonde hair. His bangs run down to his eyebrows. He's around 5'7 feet tall. He weighs about 100 pounds.

Wears a dark purple shirt that has “I CATS” written on it in pink text. His shorts are a darkish golden with no pockets. He wears a shining silver hairclip shaped like a sun. It glitters brightly.

Computer's name (Optional): Everycat

Computer location: Central Time Zone (USA)

Other (Optional): He has a crush on someone from his hometown. This is one of the main motivators he has to get back to his home.

For reference, here is the OOC topic.

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Character name: Kyro Miyamoto

Character gender: Male

Character age: 13

Character personality: He is a simple person that just likes to have fun at almost any cost. He is easy to compromise with if you are nice with negotiating, otherwise you're probably going to be yelled at a lot if you can't pull it off right. He is a good leader if it looks as the current leader isn't fit with their position. He likes to analyze a problem and find a methodical way to fix it, along with that failure isn't an option. He likes to doubt himself a lot when he is in a tough situation that makes him look like the underdog. Therefore, if failure isn't an option he will go ahead and analyze the situation and try his best.

Character appearance: Being 86 pounds and hitting hardly 5 feet tall, he is a quite skinny person. He has brown hair and dark green eyes. He is wearing a black shirt with Twilight Sparkle on it and the words say, "I'm a Brony, deal with it." He's also wearing some black jeans with some grey Vans slip on shoes.

Computer's name (optional): Twilight Sparkle (future pc)

Computer location: Central Time Zone USA

Other (optional):

Character name: Zane Everest

Character gender: Male

Character age: 18

Character personality: Zane is really charming. He usually charms his way out of anything, and uses that to his benefit. He has always been the ladies-man, and cherished attention. Zane was pretty sure that the world revolved around him. He was constantly the popular one, always spoiled, having the best table in school. Zane had most of the girls swooning over him, and even some boys. He could almost certainly encourage someone to present him with a million dollars, if he wanted. He thought he was the best, to put it in a small point. Zane is also greedy, and wants attention and more stuff. Zane would use his charm to get stuff, too. Zane is pretty athletic and smart, though. He usually gets A’s and some B’s, and is in a few school sports. His intellect and athleticism also helps him get popular.

Character appearance:


Zane is 100 lbs. He is pretty fit, because he is athletic and plays a lot of sports. He has brown hair that he usually leaves by itself, gelling it at times when he wants to. Zane has green eyes, that in the light glimmer. Freckles dance from one cheek to the other, jumping across the bridge of his nose. He usually wears brand names, like Nike, Adidas, Osiris, etc. because he’s spoiled. Usually, he wears some blue-neon green Osiris shoes, with some black skinny jeans and a sweater. He adores his blue shirt with a mustache on it, which he calls his Señor Shirt.

Computer's name: AncientAerial

Computer location: Eastern Time Zone Canada

Other: N/A

Character name: Amanda De Villiers

Character gender: Female

Character age: 16

Character personality: Having a slightly different past, Amanda is a weird type. She can be tough and she can physically harm someone if need be, but she doesn't pick fights or act like a bully. Instead, she prefers to stay civil. She's not shy - she can approach someone and make a conversation - but chooses not to, preferring that it be the other way 'round. She doesn't let many people close to her, but you're lucky if she lets you be in her inner relationship circle. Remember though - she does have a heart of gold, and she'll help - but only if she really likes you. Take note that she used to take a tendency of drinking too much Alchohol, and the stuff makes her rowdy - which can make her prone to injuring someone.

Character appearance: Born to a South African father and a French mother, Amanda is pretty easy on the eye. She has wavy blonde hair that palls just past her ribcage and she often keeps it in a ponytail. Her eyes are a dark, dull looking, chocolate and her skin is fairly tanned since she was raised in Durban – where it’s extremely hot. She wears a deep red velvet sweater dress with beige tights and black ankle heels.

Computer's name (optional): Try again mate wait no im sorryy

Computer location:Standard In real life? Okay, NZST (New Zealand Standard Time)

Other (optional): ---

Character name: Sai Reuzaki

Character gender: Male

Character age: 15

Character personality: Sai is the kind of person that you could know for years, but you would still not know too much about him. He doesn't like to draw a lot of attention to himself, yet in a strange sense is sort of charismatic. He doesn't try to pick fights mainly because he knows he would get his butt kicked.

Character appearance: Sai stands at 5 foot 9 inches. He usually wears a pair of Vans or Converse. He always has on a gray skinny jeans and a band tee-shirt. He has light Grey hair that is just below his shoulders. He is slightly tan because he usually rides his bike a lot.

Computer's name (optional): Uber-Computer (Alienware M-14x)

Computer location: Centeral United States Tiime

Other (optional): His older brother, Tian , used to sneak him into a lot of raves so he has started to have the PLUR mind set.

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Character name: Melodi

Character gender: Female

Character age: 14

Character personality: Melodi is a caring person though she can be a bit shy. Though if you get to know her more she isn't shy anymore and a bit silly . Sometimes she an act chidlish and random. She is very nice and dosn't like people being mean .

Character appearance:

Computer's name (optional): BunnyLove

Computer location: (please use your timezone and country for this.) Australia Easten Standed Time ( AEST)

Other (optional):

Character name: Harmony Ice

Character gender: Female

Character age: 13

Character personality: Shy, she hates talking so technology is basically her best friend, She doesn't have to speak unless she wants to and when she does talk she can think out her sentences. Easily embarrassed and was bullied at primary school.

Character appearance: Short for her age (People think she's 11) and she has short brown hair that she does her best to keep clean but it always gets into knots. Her only good feature is her eyes which are a startling grey and are quite big. Her mom dresses her so she looks like a giant doll and being shy she doesn't reject, so she's often wearing dresses and aprons. Her skin is quite pale.

Computer's name (optional): Rose

Computer location: (please use your timezone and country for this.) Australia EST (eastern standed time)

Other (optional):

(Oooh! This sounds awesome. I hope it's still open.)

Character name: Lilly Truman

Character gender: Girl

Character age: 14

Character personality: Intelligent, but also shy at times. If you don't know her very well, she can seem cold and hard, but once you get to know her she's full of randomness and fun. Lilly enjoys writing and drawing, and almost always has a notebook at the ready. She has a very strong fear of heights. Lilly is on the track team and school, so she is a pretty fast runner, but can often be found with her nose in a book.

Character appearance: Lilly has blond hair with bangs that always hang over at least one of her green-gold eyes. She wears t-shirts almost always printed with some cartoon or anime character, and dark blue jeans. She's not big on accessories or makeup, but does usually have a small notebook and pen in her pocket for emergencies (AKA boring history classes). Her favorite shoes are her red Converse hi-tops.

Computer's name (optional): George

Computer location: (please use your timezone and country for this.) GMT America

Other (optional):

Character Name: Leonardo "Leo" Sparks

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 13

Character Personality: Leo is kind of a clown who can brighten any situation. Leo rarely likes being a follower, so this means if he doesn't like you he'll rebel against you. He sees the good and bad side to every situation, making him a great leader. His main modavater to getting home is his strong love of his younger sister, Nicole. If he doesn't know you very well, he'll prefer for you to call him by his full name.

Character Appearance: Leo has dark black hair that looks purple in the sunlight. He has icy blue colored eyes which makes them really stand out. His skin is a really light tan color. He has kind of a skiny stature to his body and is about 4'9 which makes him look boney. He wears a neon green shirt, some matching white shorts, and some white Nikes.

Computer's Name: Shadow Dwealer

Computer Location: Pacific Time America

Other: He thinks this whole situation is just a weird and distict dream.

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