One thing you gotta get off your chest!


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My best friend Bridgett's boyfriend dumped her for my other best friend Morgan who likes my other friend Dom who likes my cuz Meg, who likes the a** of my old grade who likes Bridgett!

Not really a confession or something that I have to get off my chest, but :D

What really annoys me is when I go out to bat and people are sledging me, trying to get me aggitated before I take guard.

Hmm... I really dislike one of my brothers' habits. He has anxiety over poisons and toxins. Every minute he is spitting because he thinks there is poisin in his mouth. It really gets on my nerves, and its disgusting, even on my standards. He also bullies my other brothers and I. Every second word he says is an insult to us. He is really nasty.

Hmm, I dunno...

I want paracetamol but we don't have any left. It's annoying me.

And Louis keeps punching my shoulder and he refuses to hug me any more.

And I think I'm going deaf.

And failing French.

And now my brother keeps telling me to eat some peas. I don't want any goddamn peas, and I wish he'd get the bag out of my face >.<

I have seem to become a Internet Phenomena..... Just google Meowbark.

But anyways. I also tried to puke on purpose. Never ever again.

Okay,right now.I'm really pi**ed with webkinz.It takes my friends away.Well, actually just two sisters.that r my friend.They got obsessed with webkinz and now that's ALL they ever talk about!PHEW!I'm so glad i got that off my chest.Got anything that bothers you?post below.
-Candy :D

[SIZE=8pt] Just no foul langugage please[/SIZE]
That happened to me with Club Penguin.When,I've tried it,I've got TOTALLY addicted! o.o''

My advice is to try it,and If you don't like it,tell them that you're annoyed :D

Mine is:

I'm not pretty and boys are always running after me D:<

Maybe because of the way I dress? I like wearing expensive,polite (Not like a rude girl) clothes :/

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Okay,right now.I'm really pi**ed with webkinz.It takes my friends away.Well, actually just two sisters.that r my friend.They got obsessed with webkinz and now that's ALL they ever talk about!PHEW!I'm so glad i got that off my chest.Got anything that bothers you?post below.
-Candy ;)

[SIZE=8pt] Just no foul langugage please[/SIZE]
I have lost friend, but no complety because of webkinz.

Because she always lies.

mametchi :D

It makes me want to scream and throw up when someone says, "My life sucks" when they have the most PERFECT LIFE IN THE CLASS and there are tons more people whose lives are worse than theirs, and the only reason why they are saying that is that they were playing soccer like a pro in gym but then someone accidentally kicked a ball in their face or something like that.

Please don't do that, it disgusts me!!!!!!

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