Online dating


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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
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British Columbia
Well lately I see plenty of people online dating (I Mean like Lavalife, eHarmonny ect)..

What is your view on online dating? Do you think it is safe? Does it depend on the maturity of a person? Can a person fake an identity and put a fake picture on?

To me, it sounds kinda dangerous. With all the rapists out there, I wouldn't be suprised if EHarmony had a bunch of them. Plus smaller kids sometimes think stuff like that is a game so they may go on there. I've seen many kids go on adult websites. To me, online dating doesn't sound safe. But that's just my opinion.

Dr. Phil knows all.


I think it depends on the maturity of the person really.

And you should always bring someone with you when you meet the person in real life. And try to meet in a public place too. That way he can't kill you. xP

And if they make excuses each time you try to meet the person, bad idea. They are most likely lying.

You=Everybody. (Just clearing that up)

Those are my veiws. ^

It depends.

I do not think any one under the age of 18 should use dating sites, though. I find eHarmony would be pretty safe - why would a rapist go there when he can get fast info on myspace or other random chat site? There may always be a risk, but there's an easier way for a bad person to get what they want and if you're safe and take precautions, maybe it's worth it.

Well, I don't think it's a great way to meet your love, but I also don't think that for every 1 normal person on the net there's 10,000 rapists and pedos.

I wouldn't do it if I were you. Video online dating is a bit better, because they really can't put a picture in front of the webcam while speaking. You'd obviously see that the mouth was either closed/open the whole time. Now, online dating without video cameras is a bit worse. Sometimes it is just a 12 year old kid that just wants to have a laugh, or it might be a 62 year old man, and they both might be using pictures of good looking women/men that you might like. Even 20 year old people that do online dating sometimes make a meeting place for their "girlfriend/boyfriend," but the "girlfriend/boyfriend" might say they're busy every time, or you might even get abducted in some cases.

If I were you, I'd stick to dating a real person you actually know exists.

[SIZE=7pt]Hm, it really depends...[/SIZE]

If the person is over 18, I see no problem with them going on a dating website; they are responsible adults who know best for themselves. If the person is under eighteen, that's a different story, as they may be not as aware of problems that could occur.

If you use video dating. Like said before, It is hard to put a picture of someone infront of a webcam and pretend its talking. You'll know the person is really who they say they are. But if you just use something where you talk, sure it may be an average, truthful person looking for love. But it could also be someone you'd rather not know, like a rapist, or a kidnapper, but not only that, it could be a 14 year old pretending to be 25, or something like that.

I don't care if people internet date, I think it is an easy way to find love. I just think people need to be careful and aware. [:


Hmm...I'm pretty easy about it. I would personally never use a dating site myself, but for anyone 18+ who is desperate, they can do it if they want. But it's not a natural way to meet a person, I guess. They're more seeking love than a person who they love, but that's just my opinion. :p

Stay safe! =D


I think it's stupid. Plus your not really dating. In fact, you're NOT dating. Dating means you and your boy/girlfriend go out on dates. If you have an online boy/girlfriend then your not dating because you've never met, you don;t know what each other look like, you can't feel the pleasure of kissing, you can't do ANYTHING but talk on the phone and internet. Which to me, is lame.

Mixed views.

My parent's met and got married off of when I was seven.

You just have to know what you are doing.

Overall, I think it's safe...but only with sites like eHarmony, Lavalife, etc....places MEANT for dating. Don't go onto Myspace/Tamatalk/Facebook and be like, "HIYAZZ! WHO WANTS TO GO ON A DATE WITH MEH!? =D". No. That's very unsafe.

I hate how people think everyone's a stalker. D: Just because the internet is dangerous, doesn't mean every single person on it wants to lure you out into a dark alley and kidnap you. ;D

I hate how people think everyone's a stalker. D: Just because the internet is dangerous, doesn't mean every single person on it wants to lure you out into a dark alley and kidnap you. ;D

There's this girl I know, and she's so paranoid about it, I'll go on TT when she is over, and like PM someone, and she'll be all, "You're sure this person isn't a stalker?!"

then, she went on in class, and was like:

"My mom would be so mad if I was on here near her."

I was like, Seriously.

What other people don't realize is, the news points out how much it DOES happen, not how much it doesn't! So half of America's parents install software to block their kids from going on any website.


Overall, I think it's safe...but only with sites like eHarmony, Lavalife, etc....places MEANT for dating. Don't go onto Myspace/Tamatalk/Facebook and be like, "HIYAZZ! WHO WANTS TO GO ON A DATE WITH MEH!? =D". No. That's very unsafe.
I hate how people think everyone's a stalker. D: Just because the internet is dangerous, doesn't mean every single person on it wants to lure you out into a dark alley and kidnap you. ;D
Agreed :]



they should make a celebrity dating sites where you can find a celebrity you are madly obsessed with and date them..


[SIZE=7pt] She is highly attractive[/SIZE]


Kids dating online, no. End of story

When it comes to sites like Eharmony and others like those, I think it's worth a try for adults who can't find anyone.

My neighbor's older sister got married from someone she met on Eharmony about two years ago. They're expecting their first child in May.

Sites like those can work, but like everything else on the internet, you still have to be careful.

I don't know if I'd personally use one to find something permanent. Although I'd be lying if I said I hadn't signed up for a free one for kicks and to see who's out there.

Although I'd be lying if I said I hadn't signed up for a free one for kicks and to see who's out there.
Heh, my sister did that once. Some really awkward guy messaged her and said, "You have a sexy smile! (l) (l) (l)"

wtf O___O'

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