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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2008
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Cow goes moo
"I am begging you to read this, it will explain the last journal and also warn so this won't happen to YOU.

Jere1234 IS

Caeruleum IS


This man is most likely a serial killer or sexual predator of some sort. Deviant art staff is handling this for me right now. The man originally added me as Jere1234 and then he notified me that he would be switching to Caeruleum. He asked that I add him. Thinking he was just some nice man who liked my artwork I said "Sure, why not?" On this account he began writing some poems about and TO my girlfriend Kayla, and I. I began to find this odd but being an overly naive and trusting person I was polite about it, commented the poems, thanked him, so on. He wrote a poem about a lifestyle choice that I thought he spent alot of time critisizing for being different than his own and I believe I posted a comment as simple as "Gosh, what have you got against that, anyhow?" The man literally flipped out. He not only wrote two journal entries condemning me and calling me things between immature and evil, but he also sent me notes telling me how "disappointed" he was with me. A man that I don't know in real life, have only talked to online for a few days, is "disappointed with me." He blocked me, and I blocked him back.

Not long after I began to get several favorites and then a watch from the account Kyakuchuu. I noticed the similar style of poetry and similar interests but I hate people who make assumptions and I'd rather not be one of them, so I just figured it was another poet with similar interests. "Kyakuchuu" soon after began calling Kayla and I "muses" and writing poems about us as well. 2KL he called them-- and informed me that this meant "To Kayla and Ellie" There is a numerous list of them in his gallery. He favorited absolutely every work of mine with Kayla in it along side of me and also any of my pictures that showed my feet. (foot fetishist, obsessive personality: bad sign) He wrote me notes telling of his extensive admiration for Kayla and I, his plans for other poems about us, thanking me for being his "inspiration". All of this seemed very creepy, but I was always thinking, what if this is really just some eccentric old man minding his own business, and he just hasn't got anything better to do. I would hate to just hurt some innocent old man by lashing out at him for no reason. HOWEVER upon talking to Kayla about this, she has taken criminal justice classes. She said that many of these traits sounded like BAD traits and BAD signs. She told me about a type of serial killer called "collecters" Who will collect information, pictures, anything about their subjects, and obsess over them, for a long time before they make any move. She told me that alot of the time these men will be too smart for their own good and seem kind of innocent but mostly very mysterious. I have never let on in this site where I live as far as I know, all of my friends sites that are nearbye me say they live in different places (luxembourg, Canada, UK, anywhere...) and I was afraid that the longer I spoke to him and tried to be polite because I wasn't sure, the longer I had to slip up somehow and for him to figure out where I live if this was truly his intent.

Well hopefully DA will do something about this, no more little girls need to be preyed upon from the comfort of their own homes. I am not a stupid girl, just too niave. Now that I started investigating it further I have found that this is DEFINITELY the same man, seeing as his first site has some of the same poems that are placed on the second site, and the second site has NUMEROUS poems that are placed on the site he is using now, Kyakuchuu. Some under a different name, but nonetheless, the same poems. That in itself should be grounds enough for being banned from the website. That's more than harrassment, that's online stalking.


please I am begging you, complain to DA so they will do something about this. I don't want anybody else to get hurt over the internet.


Regardless of what was or wasn't said or how nice I was to this man as he claims, I was under the impression that he was a different man from the original man, so I had no reason to be unkind to him until I knew. Secondly, I blocked his second acount and he created a third in order to continue speaking to me without informing me of who he was, which is textbook HARASSMENT. I blocked him, he created another account. That is harrassment. period the end, and what I filed it under was: Harrassment. So there you go. Not to mention he called me "obviously an adult" When he knows I am only a teenager. Smart man."

- After this my friend recieved a message from DA saying that the situation had been resolved. This man has been banned from DA, but please be wary since he could always create some other account.

Please be careful out there you guys.

So that's it, please be careful all of you. I just don't want to see anyone get hurt or anything like that.

Gosh, I would be totally freaked out! You did a good job handling it though, I think. I will always be careful online because I am so scared of those people. Thanks for the warning!

Oh God, that's kinda scary. But you handled it in a very mature way. You're my hero now. :eek: LOL.

Hm, by any chance could you possibly keep me informed if he makes another account? A girl like me can do wonders to mess with people like that's head. I have gotten rid of numerous online predators before, scaring, threatening and more. I understand DA has taken care of this, but it's serious business, he can obviously find another website of the sorts.

I'm going to look into these account names, see if there are any other names regarding the ones you said online, anywhere.

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Sorry for the double post; but your message seems to be getting around. By simply googling "Jere1234" I have found numerous DA journals with your warning attached to them.

Also, after searching through two of his accounts,I found that almost ALL of his favorite pictures are nude art. Hm.

[SIZE=7pt]Whoa, scary.[/SIZE]


You handled that very well.

I didnt do it^^


On DA they have a thing where you can post this so i posted it to warn you guys ^^

But Lol yeah heres the real person who did it:


Happened to me. A man was (well he still is) obsessed with me. I blocked all contact with him. He even came to where I live (thank God he was far from me). Now I wish I didn't talk to him in the first place.

Girls don't do anything crazy! Don't send photos to anyone even it's your hand or anything. There are a lot of perverts out there!

Wow, I admire you for how well you handled that must of been really scary!

I've visited Deviant Art before. Its a cool site! Thanks for the warning too, and I hope you get rid of this weirdo REALLY soon...

I agree, When I saw the journal posted, I wanted to warn more peoples,

I hope Admin see's this so Jere wont join^^;

Yes you can put it in your journal^^

thats hilariousim adding him baybe <3
that's a really dumb move, it's not funny. :( you could end up being abused by him or something. Nobody is laughing :blink:

anyways, i think you did a good job telling the staff about it! Online predators are so stupid.. you never know when a nic, innocent person is really a sick-minded stalker in real life :(

I hope he never bothers you again. :)

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