Ooh boy.


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Active member
Jan 19, 2009
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Ontario, Canada.

so heres the story-

I like this guy at my school, we'll call him... Albert :D

So anyway, I really like him, and so a friend of mine asked him to dance with me at the valentines dance as friends.

He said sure, but asked again if it was just friendly,

and I was happy, but then I realized

1. After I danced with the guyy i liked before, I stopped talking to him

2. I dont know WHAT kind of friendly dance this is?

and then i talked to him on msn

me- so you told me youd tell me who you like today !

albert- its you

albert- just kidding i dont like you

albert- i just like you as a friend :)

me-albert, you know, we dont have to dance

albert- well

albert- we can dance

me- no no no, if you dont want to, its completely ok

albert- why do you think like that?

albert- i will dance

me- ugh ok

i dont know what to dooo =.=

Awkwards. :furawatchi:

This situation seems kind of sticky and I'm not exactly sure what to tell you.. but, I think that for sure you need to try to make your feelings for him black and white - for instance, if I were you I suggest not doing what he did saying "I like you, no jk" kind of thing. That can be confusing, obviously.

Basically, I'd tread lightly in the "grey areas" if you know what I mean. :blink:

I hope this boy doesn't get the impression that you're avoiding the dance with him since you said 'ugh' to him agreeing to dance in your conversation. :)

I think that you should just be honest with this person and tell him that you like him. Boys are usually clueless about girl's feelings in the first place, just like how you are about his feelings for you. It doesn't make it any easier for him when you're hiding how you feel too. He's probably sitting and asking himself the same questions you're ask yourself. Just come clean that you like him. I'm pretty sure that this guy likes you too, if that's what he really did say on msn.


RC :)

Hehe, Ripcurl, yes I know the 'ugh' might have done something :(

and also, I forgot to mention something- "Albert" is not from Canada, so his english is not too good. Just thought I'd mention that.

@ Tamawpants- I'll try to play it safe :)

but one other thing, about the dance? What kind of dance do you think it's supposed to be? Close or far?


He might like you, but maybe he said "no i don't jk lol" because he was emberrased, or wanted to cover it up.

I think you could possibly try encouraging him to decide? If that makes any sense :S

I mean, ask him whether or not this dance will be as friends or as more then friends. Not too often because he might get annoyed with you and not want to go at all :ph34r:

Ask his friends who he likes, perhaps?

Or, just ask him straight-out at the dance or whenever.

Hope it goes okay!


P.S: My first post! :p

^ that one had to be quick because i had to go, i'll explain it moree

so yeah, like i said, i danced with him 3 times, the first dance was far-ish,

and then i like wandered off because i thought that was it, and then the next slow song he came up to me and asked me again, so obviously i said yes, and the same for the 3rd dance.

But I still don't think he likes meee, i think he's just like that.

Anyway, I wont get to talk to him tomorrow because I'm siiiick.

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