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Rawr The Citty

Active member
Nov 24, 2008
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Hallo people of Tamatalk. I has some ideas (please excuse my grammar if you don't appreciate it, I talk like this a lot. It's a habit) and I want your opinion on it.

IDEA #1:

Well, me and my friends, let's call them J and D are starting a band. J plays guitar, D sings and I play the drums. We are gonna be an all girl band and we need a bass player. Do you think we should have a bass player? We were thinking about putting up flyers.

IDEA #2:

Youtube series! We are going to make a youtube series called "The How To" and we explain how to do really stupid stuff that people should already know how to do, or that people don't really need to know how to do. LIEK:

Brushing your teeth

Applying sunscreen

Putting on a bikini (long story. we're not really gonna do that xD)

Freaking people out


The second one.

That type of thing is popular these days! ;P

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2nd one :D

Yes, you should have a bass player. It'll add to the effect of the music :(

Cecib :lol:

The second one is more applicable, I think.

I think if you want to get anywhere with a bit of 15 minutes of fame it'll be with YouTube. Of course, you have to have something really entertaining and such but there's more of a chance to get somewhere there.

Good luck. ;D

Get a base player. I wouldn't put up flyers yet, I'd just ask around. A lot.

The second one sounds awesome. It has the makings for a great series already. ;)

The 2nd one. nigahiga is a hit now because of all his "How-To" videos.

The band sounds nice, but probably not going to be popular. ;)

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