[Or click here if you do not wish to wait]


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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
In a piano. Yes, IN a piano.
this is very random.

whenever you make a post, a topic, add in a poll, or anything like that, the window comes up. and on the bottom, it says

[Or click here if you do not wish to wait]

do you ever press that?

Yes. Always. :D I'm so impatient!

But, whats the point of waiting? You have the option to not wait...why wouldn't you choose it? ;) Heh.

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I used to never press it. It actually made my computer go slower. Now I usually do press it, but sometimes I don't.

That's weird, after I posted this that little page didn't come up. It didn't come up after I voted either.

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Always. Like a majority here, I'm really impatient with stuff like that. xD

What is it worth waiting for?

If the Admin put it, then we should be grateful for what we have :D Push the Button.

Odd question though, I thought everyone did that :)

I never press it actually :huh: I can wait.
Same I never press it! It only takes a few seconds more to load on my computer! But my brother always clicks it I always tell him to wait!!

:huh: :D :) :huh: :huh:

Why is it there if you have the option to not wait?

One of life's great mysteries.

I don't know if I press it or not, it's a reflex. I think I do though. :D

wow who knew a topic about a button could be so big

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