Other windows/tabs?


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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What you got got open in other windows or tabs?

I've got my MSN messenger in another window

The TT RP forum in another tab

TradeMe in another tab.



MSN messenger.

MSN convo with Starry


And I don't have any tabs at the moment, like always. I only ever have tabs when someone sends a link to a picture, video, or something, and that creates a new tab. I prefer new windows, rather than new tabs.

In my Tabs I have Justin.tv, a pic of bread and a pic of Homer Simpson.

Well, I don't have tabs at the moment. Just other windows.

MSN, Tamatalk, and a convo with a girl from my school.


Mibbit, TC and YouTube... not very interesting. xP

Edit: There all tabs, I find opening a whole new window for something a waste of time. x-x

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Any Website is Tabbed

And anything else, Like e-mail, aim, or iTunes is another window



Photobucket videos

Zelda Power

Yayy~ <3

Edit; 1,600th post! :3 I dedicate it to Jae, since I have Zelda Power up in another tab. x3

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On other tabs are

Youtube ([HD] Super Junior - It's You Official MV)

ElectricVocals (Replying to [ a k a r i ] <3)

Photobucket (Pictures by Akari-)

GaiaOnline, Posting a TT RolePlay, This topic, and playlist.com (Listening to "Neighburgers") :3

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Youtube. I'm watching Cycle 9 of America's Next Top Model, because I missed that one, and the show entertains me. 'Cept it's boring when the girls aren't fighting or causing some kind of drama in the house.

Facebook. No asking me what it is, it's private!

Email. Twenty four new messages to look through. My, I'm a busy bee today.

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