Ouch... ):


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Lost Girl

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2009
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Brisbane, Australia.
So, we all know that friends can sometimes let things slip that maybe you didn't want to know..

Just recently, I dressed up to go to a school dance. I was wearing a slightly low-cut black and white shirt and orange jeans with purple stitching and stuff. I had make up on [Cuz I was having fun... I don't NORMALLY do that to go out. I had like, blueish eyeliner, mascara, bright and 3 different colours of eyeshadow. I thought it looked really good], and this girl, Melissa came up to me, and she's in my grade. I thought she was really nice, and considered her a friend.

Anyway, she walked over to me, and said I look like a prostitute.

I was like "Wow, thankyou.." But it was like.. 'Dude.. Ouch' cuz I felt SO good that night and it was just kind of a bummer that she said that.

There have been other times though, when Katie's let things slip that have just been like "I didn't need to know that hun."

Like when we had just gotten off stage from a school thingo and she was like "... You messed up so much out there..." And I was like, really hurt, cuz I thought I was really good lol.

Sooooo, when have you had times where your friends have said something they probably shouldn't have?

When have YOU said something you shouldn't have?

The end :) :L

I remember one year when we had school photos. I had a terrible pimple on my top lip and had covered it with concealer. Then Sarah, whom I considered my best friend back then, came up to me and told me I looked like a clown and should seriously do something about my skin. I felt terrible that day .____.

Then when Kathy was wearing a heap of make-up once, I told her she looked like a sl**. I was just joking, as we usually do, but this time she got really offended. It was quite saddening, really, and I felt terrible about myself. I've learned since then...

Once, a few years back, when I a really childish fashion sense, a friend told me that she had the same sweater as me when she was five.

At first, I thought it was a compliment.

It took me awhile to learn that was, in fact, an insult.

Also, it hurts when friends look at my pictures from my earlier ages, and laugh at them, saying how ugly and weird I looked.

Thanks guys, that doesn't make me feel bad at all.

Oh yes, happens to me sometimes.

Last year we had this camp for 4 days and 3 nights. Everyone had to get dressed in dresses on the last night. Well, I got dressed into a long white dress. It looked like a bride's gown xD I didn't like it because it was spaghetti straps so I got a jacket and covered myself. My used-to-be friend of mine said that I looked like I was trying to make men get more focused and look at me O: I got really mad that time and stormed away. :\ I felt lost cause the hotel [The one we stayed in] was HUGE. I had a hard time navigating around even it was the 3rd night I stayed there XD And maybe cause I was walking back alone.

And when my used-to-be friend did this fortune telling thing about jobs, it said that she'd be a garden designer xD She wants to be a model, or a designer. And she said, "Yay I get to be a designer!" And I was like, "No, you're a gardener who gets all dirty and stuff. Wow, it wasn't what you wanted." Lawl, I regret that xD

We did small class plays and stuff, which was a good excuse for me to wear dark make-up (because I was a criminal in our play).

The day after that, my friend Kaly comes over, and she told me that Jessie said I looked like a huge sl**. I was so hurt.

I hate it when people say things behind your back, when youre right there. And my friends don't even whisper quietly. I also hate it when people go "Hey. Nevermind..."

This one time, I was watching my friend write a love letter to her boyfriend, and she wrote something along the lines of "I love you so much babe, I hope we stay together forever!" And I jumped up and screamed, "Lies! All of them! Lies!"
She smacked me.
bahhaa, ^^


Uhm.. I try not to do stuff like that.. I never say anything to their face.. but to other friends. lol

I usually let things slip in front of my sister, but she finds it hilarious because she's perfectly content with her low self-esteem.

Once, I straightened her hair and was walking behind her in the hallway as she went into the bathroom, and yelled, "Wow, you actually look like a girl from behind now!" She cracked up laughing. xD

All of my friends almost constantly tell me that my boyfriend is just about the most ugly creature on this planet and any other, even when I tell them that, unlike their boyfriends, he's genuinely sweet. D:

Once I got these new pink shoes, they were like mary jane flats, and I really liked them, so I wore them to school. And the first thing that came out of my friend's mouth when I walked in was "those shoes are SO ugly." And I was really self conscious about my shoes the whole day, and mad at my friend because I think people's things are ugly, but you shouldn't insult them for no reason and tell them, you know?

Some people are always insulting, whether or not it is on purpose. It's just that as you grow up, you tend to learn to become secure enough with yourself that you don't let it affect you so much anymore. I was at work tonight, and I walked into the bathroom, where I saw one of my coworkers and her girlfriend. They hadn't seen my new haircut yet, so my coworker just said, "Oh...you cut your hair". I just laughed and said, "Yeah, I like it. I feel like a rockstar!". Then her girlfriend looked at me with an ugly expression and said, "You just look like Elvira.". I thought it was pretty catty, so I just laughed a little and said, "Something like that. It's fine with me" as I finished fixing my hair and went back to work. I'm 22, these girls are 19. :) There will always be rude people, you just have to learn how to not let it affect you. lol.

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