Ouija Boards


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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2005
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I've just been reading about ouija boards and I want to try one out. The only thing is that I've heard about people totally freaked out after using one (Lights going out and finding out scary things like deaths that've happened) If you've used one would you recommend using one, or is it a waste of time? Any other opinions on ouija boards?

Also, if you've used one tell me about it.

-ryta- :rolleyes:

No. It's a waste of time, my cousin got one for Christmas but nothing really happens. When someone asks a question someone else knows the answer, and their hand moves without them knowing, thus giving you the answer.

Besides, talking to the dead? How real is that, I belive not in using them, for I am a Christan, and I haven't.

I heard those things can cause danger. o_O I read that one guy totally went crazy because he kept seeing things and no one believed him. I think it's a waste of time though. :/

my advice: don't do it.

a friend of mine's mom did it when she was a teenager. she did it with a few friends. it spelled out the name of one of the boys:

b. r. i. a. n. he died a week later in a car crash. same night. same time even. don't bpther. whatever happens, it's not worth it. i'm not sure if i beleive the story, but i don't reccomend it.

I've just been reading about ouija boards and I want to try one out. The only thing is that I've heard about people totally freaked out after using one (Lights going out and finding out scary things like deaths that've happened) If you've used one would you recommend using one, or is it a waste of time? Any other opinions on ouija boards?Also, if you've used one tell me about it.

-ryta- :)
Never use Ouija Boards! They are pure evil. Not kidding. The point of Ouija Boards is to contact a spirit, right? Well, you may think you are, but you are really contacting (100% not lying) Satan. I'm dead serious. If you choose to use one, after asking it it's name, ask it this (It doesn't matter you're religion, it works every time no matter what you believe) In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, tell me who you are. It will lie, telling you the name it used before. Ask that same question again. It will lie yet again, telling you what it said before. Ask it a third time. It's impossible for it to lie a third time, and it will tell you it is Satan, or a devil, or something along those lines. Then, burn the board.

I really really advize not to use one, but if you still choose to, do what was ealier stated. It works.

I do not recommend you trying it! After 1 use you can never through it away! you can't throw because it will come back to you, you can't bury it will come back to you! the only way to get rid of it is to Burn it!!!!

soo no i don't recommend it :)


For me - it's to see to believe. I'm kind of torn in two here. Don't know what to do. I'd like to prove my friend wrong about all paranormal stuff (she's a Most Haunted fan), but I'm kinda doubtful now. I think that ouija board horror stories are being over exaggerated, when it's supposed to be a bit of fun. Any more views on this?

Its a waste of time. They make you go "Mad". Unless your not scared of the board nothing happens. xP

Me and other people in my class used them during recess. They do absolutely nothing.
I think you have to use the board when it's dark.

Oh please, this is ridiculous. Nobody is going to crazy and nothing is going to happen to you if you talk to a piece of plastic. Srsly, guys, it's just a stupid scam used to make people buy them. I've used an online ouija board once, and it was dark, and I'm still alive, and nothing 'paranormal' has happened to me.

Oh please, this is ridiculous. Nobody is going to crazy and nothing is going to happen to you if you talk to a piece of plastic. Srsly, guys, it's just a stupid scam used to make people buy them. I've used an online ouija board once, and it was dark, and I'm still alive, and nothing 'paranormal' has happened to me.
Um....It was "Online" :-/

I think if you have some concerns about the dangers (real or imagined) of Ouija boards, you need to do more indepth research for yourself before you decide if you should go ahead and try or not.

It's fine to ask TamaTalkers for their opinions, but I hope you'll do more than that before you make your decision ;)

There's been quite a lot of discussion topics about Ouija boards on TamaTalk - some of them quite recent too.

I just looked at the sites search engine, using keyword Ouija and found these in :

Seriously Non TT

Non TT

You'll see there's a whole range of opinions about ouija boards ;)

Never use a ouija board!!! my mom did it and she started to see things, I also have heard of a few people who have let bad spirits into their house. most people need more than one person to activate the board, both me and my mother are serious mediums and can move them by ourselves (I havent used one but my mom said I inherited her powers and We both see "Ghosts"

Dont use one.

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