Ouija Boards


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I found an online one because I wanted to see what it said because I love scary stuff so I was reading the danger of it and I just thought forget this and went right back here.

No, but I have fiddled with the online ones.

I somewhat believe in ghosts, but not entirely.

I could've done it on the moon if I wanted too. It doesn't matter. It's still a type of Ouija board.
hahaha! thats funny1 on tha moon! good 1! whhew! sorry, got alittle spaztic

I saw 1 of those, creepyness. Me and Bailey should try it sometime! that would b creepy though, i want 2 try it but I am home alone and I'm already creeped ou tenough as it is.

Oh please, this is ridiculous. Nobody is going to crazy and nothing is going to happen to you if you talk to a piece of plastic. Srsly, guys, it's just a stupid scam used to make people buy them. I've used an online ouija board once, and it was dark, and I'm still alive, and nothing 'paranormal' has happened to me.
They work, seriously... they really do work. Online Ouija Boards are much different than real ones. My friend and uncle both have had experiences with Ouija Boards... the marker moves on its own, things around them move... like I said before, they are pure evil, and trust me, they work. If you talk to your local priest, he will tell you they are real. :{

I asked an online one who Taylor would hook up with or something and it said "Yourself"

For Andrew it said "No one"

And for David it said "A friend"

Weird coincedence, I know :p I don't believe online ones, just real ones.

The online ones aren't much good. Not many people here that have had 'good' experiences with ouija boards. I suppose you have to believe in spirits/ghosts and all that to believe that the ouija board works. I sort of believe that they work, but not in an 'evil' way. I found one on the internet and it says you have to say this prayer about angels protecting you from evil. To think that they're evil I need real proof. I'm going to ask a few people and see what their opinion is.

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