Out Of The Blue Accident?


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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2008
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Burlington, Ontario, Canada
OK, I was sitting at the computer a couple minutes ago, when for some reason I look down and I almost scream.

My Foot and the floor was coverd in blood.

After I saw that the blood came from a cut I had...the size of a pinhole.

Weird huh?

Has this ever happened to you?

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oh wow

I don't know if this would count but sometimes when I get out of the shower(after shaving my legs) sometimes parts of my legs are covered in blood, but it is from a small cut and stops right away.

oh wow
I don't know if this would count but sometimes when I get out of the shower(after shaving my legs) sometimes parts of my legs are covered in blood, but it is from a small cut and stops right away.
Yeah, same here! My legs hurt for days after that happens. D:




One time, I was getting ready for hockey and I went to get my jersey out of my bag and I noticed that there was blood on the floor. I looked at my thumb, and I had a huge cut from my skate on it xD

OMG totally

I was at my friends house and I accidently knocked this glass over. I tried to save it but I couldn't, but we picked up all the pieces. So like, 5 minutes after that, my foot hurts the TEENIEST bit and I see the side of it is covered in blood. I'm like O_O and I washed it off with a wet paper towel to see i had this FREAKIN SMALL CUT.

5-10 minutes later, I was lying on my friends' sisters bed with a girl I haven't seen for 6 months who is also my friend. I put up my other foot (the one not with the cut) and I noticed that was bleeding too! I'm all "Omg! Why didn't I feel any of this!" and we were spazzing out becuase I didn't notice both of those cuts until I looked at my feet. It was crazy. Apparantly i had the smallest cuts from stepping on teeny pieces of glass.

It was crazy.

At the end of the year dance at my school, I was dancing and all of a sudden....my sandal feels wet. I reach down, and they are soaking in blood! I rush to the washroom to find out that practically my whole nail was falling off! My sandal and foot were covered in blood. I had to go to the principal's office to get some major bandages put around it. The weird thing is, nobody had stepped on my toe. I didn't stub it or anything! It just randomly started happening.


I didn't notice I had two paper cuts until I had my hand shoved in hot salsa. :D

Once, I went into the car to go home afer school, (THE DAY I FOUND 2 4-leaf CLOVERS!) and there was my middle finger, with a STINGING CUT. I'm like, O__O WTF.

Thing is I was holding the big 4 leaf clover in my hand. xD (Threw first one away cause it gave me super bad luck. Tripped 3 times. XD)

Other time I was on my old computer and blood was all over the keyboard. I ran into the bathroom and I had a BAD blood nose. Very random. When it was cleaned up, I looked at the hallway and there was a trail of blood. O_____O


I was biking once and I ran into a pricker bush and cut my arm.

I was cleaning it when I looked down and saw the side of my leg had blood all over it!

I guess the bush had also cut the side of my knee a little, but I didn't even notice!

OK, I was sitting at the computer a couple minutes ago, when for some reason I look down and I almost scream.My Foot and the floor was coverd in blood.

After I saw that the blood came from a cut I had...the size of a pinhole.

Weird huh?

Has this ever happened to you?
You probably got lucky and punctured an artery with something small x...x

Amazing the coincidence of some things.

But yeah, I have had a few of those things where you fall and do something seemingly minor, then it comes out like 'WOAHWTF'. I fell and scraped my knee once, barely felt it at all, but it was like, woah.

But I have also had those odd experiences with falling down the stairs, and out of trees, and out of the tree house, etc, where you would think that I would have had some serious injury, but nope. no harm done from falling down the stairs // out of trees // out of wooden child houses. None at all.

The irony.

It's like I cut my foot with a razor or something. O_O

Connecting to my starting post:

After I cleaned my foot (and the floor), I thought "Oh well."

An hour later, I looked at my foot again, and it was coverd in blood. AGAIN!

From the same cut too.

It's weird how I didn't feel any pain, or know how I got the cut.

It happens to me a lot with bruises though. Once I had a bruise the size of a golf ball and I didnt know where ot came from.

omg i just read all of these and now i feel like im gonna pass out XDD

one time i was at school and me and my friends were filling out this journal and i looked down at my hand and my finger was bleeding like crazy!!! and i didn't even injure it or anything! then later on the bus i looked down and it was happening again! then i asked my bus driver for band-aid but she didnt have any. >.> she has a body fluid cleanup kit but not a band-aid? >.<

But yeah, I have had a few of those things where you fall and do something seemingly minor, then it comes out like 'WOAHWTF'. I fell and scraped my knee once, barely felt it at all, but it was like, woah.
That happened ot me today. xD At baseball, I slid into home plate and my knee hurt a little bit for a second. On the bench, I looked at my knee and it was bleeding out of five different places. o_O

One time I was at a friend's B-Day party and I was pretty much doing nothing until I looked down and saw my funger covered in blood. 0_0

That happened to me once.... 8 years ago in 2nd grade. I fell on the rocks at the playground because some stupid retard pushed me down >=( it seriously hurt REALLY bad! I'm crying all the way to the nurse's and I look down and my knee is covered in blood! No wonder it hurt so bad! But I didn't think rocks could make that much blood....

I discovered a gigantic scratch on the back of my leg from sliding into home at baseball yesterday and it didn't even hurt right after I slid xD

Once, in school I was at spanish help and we were outside and my finger starts to bleed... o.o

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