Out of these 3 who would you choose


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i whould pick kuromametchi because he is cool chamametchi sucks *****

I don't really like Makiko either Makiko500.

I ep. 3 on https://new.tamatown.com/theater/theater_tv_en.html, Makiko was teasing memetchi because of her hair.

So we have something in common!

Also, i love chamametchi, mamitchi123 so just because you don't, doesn't mean she is not popular and it doesn't mean that no one else does like her!

T_T I hate Makiko now. Ya.

I agree. Kuromametchi rules. ^_^

i voted kuromametchi he is awesome!!!! i have him on my music star and on my other music star i have a kuchipatchi!

i whould pick kuromametchi because he is cool chamametchi sucks d***s

I voted kuromametchi, but i don't really like any of them that much. actually, i think i like them all the same. i'm really not crazy about any of them.

Kuromametchi is kewl. i agree with the ninga boy on ep. 8: "he's such a loner"

The other 2 tamagotchis are just.......eh, their kinda girly. Espically Chamametchi!

ya very girly they are

Makiko wears a skirt that looks kinda s**tty on her, you know?

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