Outfit Planning


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^ <3

-Black skinnies

-Red band sweater

-pink t-shirt


-Cover up

-Eye shadow.


Bloo Cheese shirt

Pink Skinny jeans

white socks.. xD

Black shoes

black jacket

Neh, I wont dress up tomorrow :|

-Jeans. Yeah, any jeans I can find.

-Light pink t-shirt with a koala <3

-Yellow cat hoodie <33

-Random socks.

-Puma shoes.



-Black and white striped headband.


No make-up like always ;D

I think I am going out shopping, so nothing special

Top: Probably my Gir Tee / Tank top

Bottom: Tight Hollister jeans

Other: Ballet flats, makeup, I think I am going to put my hair in a sloppy bun

@Ksenia; You are so lucky that you can wear make up and still look adorable! ILY, as always.

Tomorrow I shall be found in green+pink tank tops with jeans. [same outfit I wore in my Crayon Eating photo shoot].

^ILY too, Esther. I dont like make-up. It looks really...bad on me xP Youu look amazing without make-up too, Esther <3333333

Anyway, I changed my mind.

I am wearing;

-Hair in a pony tail. No headbands xD.

-3 quarter blue skinny jeans.

-Black stripey socks.

-Seahorse t-shirt ;D

-Light blue hoodie with ''04'' written on the front.

-Neon orange and dark blue wrist bands ;D

-Underwear etc...

Tommorow [Technically-today-because-its-Past-Midnight], I plan on Wearing:

-Bra [SIZE=7pt]One-of-Those-padded-ones-because-I-fail-at-development-at-age-15[/SIZE].

- Underwear

-Likely a long T-Shirt

-Pair of Pink Striped PJ Pants. [Yeah, Im one of those people who wear PJ pants in Public. xD]



-Probably Chapstick.

-Oh, and a Jacket. Even Though the weather is warming up, its still winter. xD

Hopefully My mom decides to call our aunt to go shopping tommorow [Technically her Great aunt, my Great Great Aunt. She's like, 76 and She drives. xD. My mom doesn't drive, So we Rely on our aunt for rides into town to shop] Must-Get-A-Webcam-

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Tomorrow I plan on wearing:


Pink Cami with lace trim on bottom

Brown South Pole sweatshirt with logo in big sparkly letters and it has an animal print hood!

dark wash denim jeans

Socks, underwear, bra


Navy blue All-Star Converse <33 (yes, i finally got a pair of converse, even if they are hand-me-downs from my bff xD)


Hair will be straightened, with a little leave in conditioner so it stays nice and flat

Make Up:

Frosty pink lip gloss <33

Jewelry // Accessories:

Fake diamond stud earrings

thin silver chain necklace w/ hello kitty charm strung onto it <33333

Nude colored hair ties on my wrist


Nails will be painted black, then some light pink polka dots will be added <3


My neon colors and purple Peace-and-Rainbows tee.

Any tank top I come across. [Perhaps my black one...?]

My three-quarter-length sleeve button up black sweater. :3


Medium wash skinny jeans.

White with neon splatters belt.


Probably my black flats.


Black ribbon choker.

One of my hemp necklaces.

Black hair ties on my wrist.

Hair and Makeup:

I'm planning on straightening my hair tonight. And then I'll add a bow to it in the morning. :3 Probably my black with multi-colored hearts bow.

Makeup - the usual. Heavy black eyeliner, black mascara, foundation, touch of blush, chapstick.

It's school tomorrow, so I plan on wearing my school uniform.

That consists of;

-Black school polo shirt.

-Black pants.

And other stuff;

-Underwear etc..



-Puma shoes.

And I dont know whether I should wear my neon orange headband thinggy ;_;

Blue shirt with a flying Dino on it

Black skinny jeans

Sneakers, my drawn all over converse. [i didn't steal the idea from Feebee. :I I had them before I knew her. D; ]

Stud earrings.

cover up

black jacket

Boring, I knooow. :I


"Not Today Thank You!" T-shirt

Blue skinny jeans

checkered slip ons

pink hoops

cover up

pink eyeshadow

Black jacket

This current outfit has to be my favorite. <3


You should. :3

But it MAY go against your school's dress code, so always check with a teacher. [i am so sorry. ;~; I sound like a mom. Or my grandma. Dx]

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My school uniform Dx,

Black skull earrings,

Black ballet flats,

White socks,


black plastic headband.

Make up-

We're not allowed Dx

Gray Skinny Jeans

Pink/Black Stud Belt

White Aeropostale Shirt

Black Cami

Black Converse

Red, white, hot pink, and purple beads

Hair up in a ponytail

Makeup-Black eyeliner, blk mascara, pink eyeshadow

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