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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Lately, I've been over eating, and have been craving food all the time.

I'll stuff my face, and after 20 minutes, I'll go and get some chocolate. Then after another 20, I'll go and get more food.

I know I shouldn't eat this much. I know it's not good for me, considering the fact that the foods I've been eating aren't very healthy. But I can't seem to stop! I have this constant need for food. It also doesn't help I've been stressed out lately. I FEEL like I've gained weight, but so far, it doesn't look like it. I don't feel good when I eat, yet, I truly can't help myself. And it's going to become a problem sooner or later.

Any tips? They would really be appreciated.

It sounds like your period 2 me. I had the same problem this weekend when my "Visitor" came.lol

Also could be due to boredom or other factors in your life. I think several people have the same topic in the last couple of months. I'm sure if you go looking for them find some suggestions in there ;)

1. Exercise a greater self control and will power (i.e. don't give in every time)

2. Eat a bowl of cereal instead (not the sugary sweet ones, just something like cornflakes) - just one bowl ;)

3. East a piece of fruit or a raw carrot or something really boring. You don't put on weight and you get bored with the "munchies" :D

4. Find a "non-food" activity to engross you. A video game, a book, write a poem, etc.

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I know what you mean. I'll eat lunch, and for some reason, even though I'm full, instinctively grab a snack, too. And then I want something else. It's insane. either that, or I eat once a day and that's it. D=

first tip: are u thinking about food? If u are, think about something else. 2:do u eat it because it taste good?? PLEASE REPLY

I've been having the same problem too; so I joined a bunch of activities at school so there would be less time alotted to eating.

And guess what?

I've been stuffing my face MORE.

I am beginning to think that my body needs a certain amount of food a day, and no matter how I try to oppress that amount my body will find away to get it. I think I just need to engage in more physical activities to raise my metabolism.

Try chewing some gum or eat a cup of ice chips. I eat ice chips/suck on ice cubes when I'm craving but know I shouldn't be eating.

Drinking a lot of water also helps. n____n

I've been having the same problem too; so I joined a bunch of activities at school so there would be less time alotted to eating.
And guess what?

I've been stuffing my face MORE.

I am beginning to think that my body needs a certain amount of food a day, and no matter how I try to oppress that amount my body will find away to get it. I think I just need to engage in more physical activities to raise my metabolism.
Hmm.. not go go on a side note and change the topic, but could it be you aren't getting enough to the right foods?

I dunno. Obviously I don't know you guys' eating habits [uh.. stalker much! <_< ] but I've heard different cravings mean your body needs different things you aren't getting enough of.

Maybe it's related to that..?

Aha, now I don't eat much but I still manage to stuff my face. ;-; I'm hard put to eat breakfast because eating early starts to make me sick, I'm hardly hungry for lunch or dinner, either, but in between unmeals I'm constantly eating candy. I can't help it,and I've gained like, three pounds over the past few weeks.

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My friend said when the human body is bored, it grows hungry and craves/eats. :D

If this is the case, do very exiting/something that is not boring often.

Cecib ^_^

Try chewing some gum or eat a cup of ice chips. I eat ice chips/suck on ice cubes when I'm craving but know I shouldn't be eating.
Drinking a lot of water also helps. n____n
Ice and water one works but chewing on gum actually will make you extremely hungry after a while.

Just ask yourself, are you hungry? If you're not, there's no point in eating. It will just hurt you're stomach and make yourself too full. Ask your parents or something on what you could do to be more healthy. Cause you're right, it will become a problem.

Usually I eat when I'm bored. Which is why I eat a lot of food on the weekends compared to weekdays when I'm in school.

Try to occupy yourself and you won't think about food. And if you're worried about putting on weight then make sure you're regularly excercising.


you can just be growing

my doc said u start to eat alot when ur about to grow

me i always eat, im constantly eating :furawatchi:

idc really

if i gain weight then i gain weight

if i dont - i dont

i personally love food, and will never stop eating :unsure:

eat what ever you like

thats what ever i do

well im technaclly forced to do so cuz theres not alot of snacks liying around in my house, so its like a little hunt for the food :mellow:

man, i wish food could talk :wacko:

(im hungry now 0_o)

My sister is just like that. She eats all the time and she knows that it's not good but she can't help it. I sometimes have this problem too, but it only happens when my period comes. My mom said I am terribly thin. When I get sick, I lose about 2 to 3 Kilos. But my friend's mother loses 7 to 8 kilos when she is sick. That is a big amount! So I suggest you get sick so you can lose weight. Hey! Don't do it! I'm just joking!


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