Over protective...


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Sometimes, but they don't give me enough privleges, and i know ppl younger than me, and they have much more priveleges!!! X_X...

Sometimes, but they don't give me enough privleges, and i know ppl younger than me, and they have much more priveleges!!! X_X...
Such as?

Some parents are more laid back....

My friend Marissa has a rude mother, she is protective, but allowes Marissa and Paul (Her brother) To have usually anything they want. Marissa get's the family labtop when her mom get's a new PC >.< I don't think it's a good idea.

But yeah, my parents really don't care. They let me go online without caring as the screen is friggen huge enough to see what I do. But they don't know what the site is about. I delete all my history anyway.

I think we're lucky XD This generation is one of the first to have the Internet. When we get older and our kid's go online, we will know practically EVERY trick they pull on us. =3

My friend Marissa has a rude mother, she is protective, but allowes Marissa and Paul (Her brother) To have usually anything they want. Marissa get's the family labtop when her mom get's a new PC >.< I don't think it's a good idea.
Well, I had my first laptop when I was ten. Its no big deal as long as she knows and follows certain rules.

my dad did that when i was...like...seven.

my mom alwasys asks what im doin.

they just care about you.

I have wayyyy overprotective parents. When i'm texting 'whos that?'

On the phone 'Whos that' If i dont answer they dissconnect the phone or take my cellphone and read my messages. It goes the same for everything i do on the computer...

[SIZE=7pt]Yes, they DEFINETELY are, but I realize that it's for my own good. :p [/SIZE]

I had a talk with them about it.

Mum and Dad don't cae about internet. They trust me.

It's going OUTSIDE to somewhere, THEY CARE SO MUCH! I couldn't even walk to PRIMARY SCHOOL AND IT WAS ONE BLOCK AWAY! >.< Arrrggh....Parents.


My mom is very protective. Well, not very. I am allowed to hang out outside with my friends and all but my friends HAVE to be with me. I can't walk through the woods to their house alone, I have to have someone. It doesn't bother me though. Makes my journey less lonely. Although... My mom doesn't really want me on anytime of messanger, so I use a web messanger and delete the internet history so she doesn't see. *shrug* She doesn't even know I know that stuff :<


Well. My step-mom doesn't really mind. She lets me wonder around the mall as long as my cellphone has 3 bars in the battery and I'm not in a store that far off (Not like our malls are that big.) She also gives me the power of going out to the park a few blocks away by myself and I can come back as long as its before 6:00 or 7:00.


My step-dad, on the otherhand, is a different story. He can trust me and he will peak into my bedroom and ask what I'm doing but he doesn't care to much about sites I'm on he just tells me to go on the usual sites I would use at home. No biggy. Whenever we go out to my old house to see some of my friends he'll give me a watch and tell me to meet him somewhere and to call him to alert him every so often that I am alright. He also goes out and runs errands so its not like he is sitting around doing nothing and watching me hang out with my friends ^.^


All in All, I guess I am pretty free.

My parents are sort of over protective. I mean, I'm sure they will let me walk up to my friends houses or something (Half an hour away) but I just don't like to myself. They're over protective when I'm outside in the snow and they want me to keep warm, thats fine. =)

Mine don't spy on me while i'm on the computer,but they also check my history afterwords. Just to keep me safe/.
I never DO anything bad, but sometimes things happen, like bad pictures bad words ect. I normally delete my history if anything happens.

It isn't smart to post pictures of yourself on the internet. You could have far worse things than a murderer happen to you. You could easily be raped, regardless of gender. Never post pictures of yourself; it's common sense. People can track you down with something as little as your first name.
My parents are, I guess. They check my history... the omly site I go on is Tamatalk and Youtube, and Tamazone, so there really isn't anything to be afraid of.
Actually, Youtube CAN be a little bad, I saw like three bad words in the descriptions. But I changed my account to kid settings, No more " This **** thing!" or "You *****!!" YAY YAY!!!

PS, I only watch Poke'mon cheat videos anyway now! Once I clicked on the wrong link, and I took me to a video that had the word **** in it!!


They do that because they care though, I appreciate what they do for me and realise that it's just one of the few things you have to let happen.

Over=Protection is a good way of showing they love you.

My parents are WAY over protective.

They won't let me do anything.

I started dating my....psshh, like 10th boyfriend on Friday, and my parents freaked out.

They looked him up in the phonebook and drove by his house...

It was horrible.

And they've met him before! Because he was my best friend!

They're too protective.

And I hate it.


My parents are not very overprotective. And plus they only do it because they love you and they don't want you to get hurt, it's for the best!

But if your sick of your parents getting overprotective and stuff, be perfectly honest with them, if anything bad comes up on the net tell them what happend right away, never lie and stuff like that. They will give you more freedom because they trust you. (And when you do something bad tell them the truth and you will get in a quarter of the trouble you would have got in if you never told them)

It's all about trust.

Hope I helped

My parents aren't that bad. But when I walk down to the arcade with Princess08 and tell my parents abut it, they tell me how dangerous it is for me to be walking down to the arcade with my friend. They obviously have no idea how good I am at defending myself.

My parents used to look at my history and see what youtube videos I was watching ((I didn't go on youtube much back then)) and I saw one with a swear ((Someone in a chat room told me to watch it)) so they had to have a nice, long conversation with me about that.

But I taught myself how to delete the history. And now I'm a common visiter to youtube, so they've given up on the history checking.

Not really, unless it's internet. My mum sometimes reads my entire MSN convos, and I have to delete my entire history. When it comes to hanging out, I could be out until 10 PM. :D

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Well, sometimes, and I realize they just want to keep me safe. If you think thats over protective.... let me tell you it can get way more weird. I know people with parents like that. Luckily, my family doesn't spy, but they do ask a few questions. I don't care- you know -it's just how life is.

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