Over Religious friend?


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
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..Uh.. I have this friend, and I really enjoy talking to them. But whenever they talk to me they always talk about God, and how he makes their decisions, and their lifestyle and etc.. Sometimes it can be a bit annoying, and disturbing. And sometimes they say things like "I'm not smart, god is smart, he makes my decisions" um.. does anyone find that a tad annoying and over the top? Also they love to about their religious events at church..

[SIZE=7pt]=\\ yeah, i can see how it annoys you. [/SIZE]

Just say "I know this is your religion, and its alright if you talk about it, but do you think we can talk about something else once in a while?"


[SIZE=7pt]=\\ yeah, i can see how it annoys you. [/SIZE]
Just say "I know this is your religion, and its alright if you talk about it, but do you think we can talk about something else once in a while?"

Thanks for the reply, highly appreciated and accepted. :]

Imagine this.. we can be talking a totally miscellaneous/off/non important topic or anything and some how they manage to put god it. Like once they said they pray for me, and they hope god prays for me. o.o Don't want to come on rude.

Well, obviously this person doesn't see that they're annoying you. However, if you told them, they'd probably be a little offended that you think talking about their religion is annoying. So tell them, just be nice about it. :]

Well, obviously this person doesn't see that they're annoying you. However, if you told them, they'd probably be a little offended that you think talking about their religion is annoying. So tell them, just be nice about it. :]
I totally agree. :D Find a way of telling them very gently, because it may be a very touchy subject.


Well make sure to respect them but if its annoying you you should say something but be nice..lol im catholic but im not like that at all :0

there your friends and they'll understand.

If they're really passionate about their religion, then understandably it would come into conversation a lot.


If you tell them that it's getting kind of overpowering, that would be fine. Just try not to sound like you're bashing on theiir religion. Just try to stay respectful.



Other then that, I think you're okay ;D

Just tell her real gently. It's kind of hard not to find a topic that you absolutely cannot make a God comment about. I agree with you. :mellow:

that's not religion, that's BS. Just tell them to please stop with the silly religion talk, and that it's annoying you.
Well...that would be disrespectful and rude in my opinon :rolleyes: and dont say that its annoying you just say "Hm i feel like we talk about this to much, do you think we can talk about other things to?" and silly religon talk isnt very nice either..well thats just my opinon.

that's not religion, that's BS. Just tell them to please stop with the silly religion talk, and that it's annoying you.
Yeah, I don't think that would be a very nice thing to tell a person who is religious.

Oh gosh....

I hate when people say that. >.>

I mean, I believe in God, but jeese, do you really need to talk about him/her??

it's just excessive....

Well...that would be disrespectful and rude in my opinon :D and dont say that its annoying you just say "Hm i feel like we talk about this to much, do you think we can talk about other things to?" and silly religon talk isnt very nice either..well thats just my opinon.
Dude. Saying things like "I'm not smart. God is smart. I don't make my descisions, God does." IS silly in my opinion.

Just politely ask them to stop it.

I get bugged by it too. Except my friends FORCE it on me >.<

They just don't agree with the fact I'm Agnostic.

If your friends were understanding they'll stop it for you.

You know.. x Rain x Hazard x may sound harsh to some people.. but if you think you about it. I have to totally agree them. I feel the same way too... It is the truth... :p

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Dude. Saying things like "I'm not smart. God is smart. I don't make my descisions, God does." IS silly in my opinion.
Now do all people think that way? I respect you opinon and all but...you have to be respectful of someones believes. Just like im respectful to athiests i expect them to be respectful to me.

Now do all people think that way? I respect you opinon and all but...you have to be respectful of someones believes. Just like im respectful to athiests i expect them to be respectful to me.
FTR, I'm not Athiest.

I wasn't saying anything about the religion as a whole, and I do not recall ever mentioning that all people with this religion think that way. I was talking about an individual. :/

What happened to reading?

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