Painting walls opinion


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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2005
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Imagine you were a wonderful painter and your parents would let you paint anything you wanted on your bedroom walls. What would you paint?

My Imagine want painting on wall that i want sunshine on wall! It will be sweet colour ever!

I was actually considering painting on my walls, but I don't think I'm allowed too. DX

I was thinking of drawing something that actually describes who I am, maybe like either like draw random anime, a triforce (lawl xP), or like something piano related.

I would add rainbows, skulls, and cute things.

Probly' also write random crap in Hiragana.

Lulz. This would be fun! XD

Tons of random things, music notes, rainbows, sunsets, scenery, random things.. some really random things : D hearts.. 'n stuffies.. I don't know :p

I'd also make the corner of my room the worship area.

Brendon, Ryan, and Onch would be painted on the wall right there.

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I would do random things... hearts, cherries, stars, butterflies, you know, all that stuff. Then I would PUT GLITTER ALL OVER THE PLACE.

Black with white or gray lyrics all over the wall.

Mainly because this requires no skill and/or effort. ;D

I would have Nick draw me Number people. Like he promised


Ok, he said he would if he could draw.




I'm not sure, just random things, and maybe some lyrics of good songs, Sounds pretty awesome... -goes to ask dad if she can graffiti wall-

I'm sure this will go well... xD


Maybe I would make every wall something else.

One wall toadstools growing at the roots of a tree (hahahah, stolen from Self:.:pity), a poem in giant letters on another, music notes, treble clefs, bass clefs, instruments, maybe I'll write a piece and put it there, etc. on another wall and the last wall...ehh, I don't know. It'd be cool to paint your own walls, though.

If I could paint well, I would probably paint some random anime. Like Death Note or Bleach.


Or some baby KITTIES!!!! ^o^


Actually, I wouldn't paint.
I'd print out EVERY photo I've ever taken, and plaster it on my walls to make wall paper, it'd be amazing.
Ooh! That's pretty awesome! If I could print out ever picture I've ever taken, or just the ones I want, it'd fill up, I think... two walls? If I picked and chose, that is. ;)

Base: light, yet powerful orange (BTW: all the colors here will be light because it gives light at night)

2nd coat: a few thick, wavy lines that vary in yellow, green, purple, pink, and blue (all light)

3rd coat: A few song lyrics, in some of the lines, the color varying by song (the song lyrics are light red)

Molding (Not the bad ucky mold, the crown kind): Same color as the lyrics

You likey? ;)

Cecib ;)

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