Pap Smear


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2007
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Well, for any of you out there have had your pap test please tell me about it.Honestly, does it hurt?Do you bleed?Is it really as uncomfortable as it seems?What age do you require it at?Please answer.



note to the guides:

Please do not delete this topic.I already know about the "Girls have you had your period yet?" topic.that topic is too confusing and goes off in all differnt directions and I just wanted to make a topic that focusing on the subject of Paps only.So please do not delete.

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It doesn't so much hurt as it feels uncomfortable.

The only pain is when they're collecting a sample from your cervix, and you get a bit of cramping as if you were on your period. It doesn't last long, which is good.

As for bleeding, I've personally bled, but my body isn't exactly the best example to go off of. The first few times I got one I didn't bleed, so I'd assume it isn't normal. You can always ask your doctor's opinion on that. I think it might be a 50/50 chance.

It's not a painful thing, but it IS uncomfortable. I recommend going there in pajamas or something comfy so you're not stuck in jeans or something the rest of the day. I like to take a shower or bath when I get home to relax. I prefer to not do much of anything afterwards. Just laze around the house and be comfy.

There aren't really words to make it seem less uncomfortable or less awkward, but remember it's a once every two years thing, so it's not something you have to do often xP

I believe it's another word for tampon by the way SK was talking about it x.x
No, silly goose... a Pap smear is a procedure where they examine your vagina and cervix for polyps and such.

They also take a sample from your vagina and cervix to test for it's health and to be sure there are no diseases or any dysfunctions.

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Im going to sound stupid but..
What's a pap smear? o.o
I think a pap smear is when doctors take ...erm.... a sample or something from inside your *cough*. It's too check for any diseases and stuff like that. I think.

Also, I think you get them only after intercourse. I might be wrong. Don't quote me on that and please correct me if I am wrong.

Also, I think you get them only after intercourse. I might be wrong. Don't quote me on that and please correct me if I am wrong.
It's a test to check the health of your womb/cervix. It's normal to get a smear test / pap test / pap smear after you become sexually active.

If you've never had sex, then you don't need to worry about it unless it has been specifically recommended by your doc or gynaecologist.

So no need to go running to your doc asking for one if it's not necessary :)

Usually it is only once every few years - that varies depending on which country you live in. I think it is recommended every 3 yrs in the UK - I may be wrong. If you get any problems with the result, you may be asked to take the test every year until the docs are satisfied that there's no danger.

As SK mentioned, it can be uncomfortable (not painful) - a lot like the stomach cramps you get with a painful period - but only for a few moments and only if you are feeling nervous and tense up. Try to relax - it helps.

In the past, I've made appointments to have a test taken during my lunch break and then gone back to work with no problems at all - so it really does depend on the individual and how their body reacts to the procedure.

Some ppl bleed after the test, some ppl don't. It's usually only light bleeding - not like a proper period. Maybe wear a panty liner just in case?

The important thing is not to get over anxious, stressed or psych yourself out over it. It's just a test that lots of women take as part of sensible health care and then they get on with life :)

I get one done every year. It's not at all painful, it just feels like a little pinch inside your cervix when they take the sample, and I don't bleed at all. The speculum is a metal thing they put in your vaginal canal so that they can see to take the smear, it is always cold and it feels a bit odd. Not painful, just a bit odd. lol Ask that they use a very small one, and they will oblige. Just don't tense your lower body when they are doing the test, because that's the only time it feels wierd for me. It's not a big deal, and certainly nothing to worry about. I am due for one this month, and every time I get one, I just leave the doc's office and go about my daily buisness.

I get one done every year. It's not at all painful, it just feels like a little pinch inside your cervix when they take the sample, and I don't bleed at all. The speculum is a metal thing they put in your vaginal canal so that they can see to take the smear, it is always cold and it feels a bit odd. Not painful, just a bit odd. lol Ask that they use a very small one, and they will oblige. Just don't tense your lower body when they are doing the test, because that's the only time it feels wierd for me. It's not a big deal, and certainly nothing to worry about. I am due for one this month, and every time I get one, I just leave the doc's office and go about my daily buisness.
I have a question. Are these mandatory?

I truely don't think I ever want one. Never have I been comfy with ANYONE going down there. Not even when I was like 4 or 5 and had to get a check-up every 6 month's as I had bladder issues. /Thank god I got that fixed/

It just sounds.....euw.

I believe that they are mandatory. Well, the can't really force you to get one, but I'm pretty sure that they tell everyone female to get them done, and almost all women in civilized countries do. :blink:

How old are you when you first get one? 16? 18?

I'm not looking forward to it. OO;;

I believe that they are mandatory. Well, the can't really force you to get one, but I'm pretty sure that they tell everyone female to get them done, and almost all women in civilized countries do. ;)
How old are you when you first get one? 16? 18?

I'm not looking forward to it. OO;;
It's like TamaMum said. If you haven't had sex yet you don't need to worry about it. You start getting them after sex.

I believe that they are mandatory. Well, the can't really force you to get one, but I'm pretty sure that they tell everyone female to get them done, and almost all women in civilized countries do. ;)
How old are you when you first get one? 16? 18?

I'm not looking forward to it. OO;;
I got my first one at 15.

I started getting mine at 14. No one(besides your mother! lol) is going to force you to get them, but it's recommended in the U.S. to get them once a year when you become sexually active. There are other reasons to get them as well if you have not had sex yet. If you have really painful p eriods, or feel there may be something else abnormal down there, you may want to get an exam/smear done.

meowbark, I can totally understand feeling anxious about the exam! It's a p rivate area for us, so it's wierd to show it to a doctor. BUT, remember this fact...your doctor sees SO many women and girls every day for work that they are not thinking any wierd thoughts about you. Serious. It's just everyday work for them, and they are always very professional and decent about it. I've never had a gynecologist(female parts doctor) make me feel uncomfortable. I started with a woman as my gyno, and then after she moved away I started going to an old man. lol They are both lovely.

I have a question. Are these mandatory?
I truely don't think I ever want one. Never have I been comfy with ANYONE going down there. Not even when I was like 4 or 5 and had to get a check-up every 6 month's as I had bladder issues. /Thank god I got that fixed/

It just sounds.....euw.
I know... it does sound eww.... :p

-Temari Nara

[SIZE=13pt]x.x I remember seeing my mom have it done when I was little.[/SIZE]

Not so much scarey, but a little bit awkard. x]

Never wanna see it done again! xD

But I don't mind having it done. ;)


I thought the age that they started doing Pap Smear was at 18 years old?

Or maybe thats only in Canada. >.o...Or maybe it's just whenever your sexually active...

Gaaah~ I should talk to my mom over this matter...And when I need to get one. O_O

I have a question. Are these mandatory?
I truely don't think I ever want one. Never have I been comfy with ANYONE going down there. Not even when I was like 4 or 5 and had to get a check-up every 6 month's as I had bladder issues. /Thank god I got that fixed/

It just sounds.....euw.
I know. I don't feel comfterble ether! I never want 1 of those. There gross.

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