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Hey come on guys! How can you hate you're parents!? I love my mom and dad. ♥♥♥
I agree with you fully. You should never hate someone! I love my parents so much. I also don't think you should be talking about them online either, unless it is good things! Plus, what if they happen to see what you are typing?

Juliet Capulet

I hate both of my parents. My dad is worse, though. He yells at me and hits me and swears and tells me to shut up when I'm crying and makes me change the water in his aquariums and other stuff and doesn't give me an allowance. And he gave me NOTHING for Christmas. Nothing. Zip. Zero. And he called me stupid and laughed. Even when I started crying. I hate him so much.

My mom is sort of better. She does give me an allowance and doesn't hit me or swear. But she agreed with my dad when he called me stupid, and when my sister does something mean to me and I tell her, she does nothing, and when I don't do anything to my sister, she punishes me. They both stink.

I love my mom and dad, I can get mad at them sometimes, but "Hate" is a extremely harsh word.
Yeah. I don't hate my parents. I can just dislike them at times :huh:

I do love my mum- but she can annoy the crap outta me at times. xD She can also be pretty embarassing.


I live with my mom!

She's ok, she spoils me every once an a while, but she's still a good mom! ;)

I love my parents. Sometimes I don't agree with them, but I love them anyway.

My mom is cool.. She spoils me and my older sister every now and then. xD

My dad.. He sometimes says things without thinking, when he's in a bad mood.. But I've kind of grown used to it, because I understand he's going through a lot of stress at work. But on his days off, he's just a big teddy bear. xD

My parents are ok...they're both really strict about my homework like making me do it the minute I'm in the house after school and they're strict about what I do and what I don't do on the internet. But I still like them a lot, I mean some poor kids have abusive parents, like VERY abusive.

Hate IS a very strong word and should not be used lightly. But when it comes to my father, I have ever right in the world to say anything I please about him. I have not seen him since he 9, and that is because after abusing my mother for years, he finally came after my brother with a 2x4 and my mom said that was enough. If you knew the things my family went through with that pathetic excuse for a human being, you would hate him too.

And if people want to talk about their parents online, let them! Everyone needs to vent and there is no reason to reprimand them for it! And if their parents see, well then they are big kids, they can handle the consequences.

I dont care much about my parents. I only see them a couple hours a week, since I spend most of my time home alone. But When I do see them, they suck. They completely hate me. My Dad calls me an Idiot and hits me for getting bad grades.

I love my parents but I do not like the things they do. My dad would take me out untill 4 AM and I'd have nowhere to sleep and he'd be drinking and wouldn't go home. He drives drunk too, and I'm in the front seat. I hate having my dad babysit without my mom being there.

My mom smokes, but she does outside. I'm scared that she might get cancer one day. She can be really mean, too. But...

They have good qualities too. You can't really say you hate your parents, you know they love you no matter what you do; Unless they abuse you. They are only strict usually because they want to protect you.

I love my parents! I would think that they are annoying sometimes but if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be here. If I had an attitude with them, it'd probably about my annoying baby sisters.



:D I’m 22, I love my parents, but looking back I have so many scars from things they have done or said. I wouldn’t call them “good” parents. But maybe they did there best, I don’t know…

I also think hate is a strong word. Granted some of you have good reasons, I think we all should think about what we are saying here before we type. :D

Im 21, so its not like Im just a depressed, anger-filled, need to scream teenager who wants to rant about her parents. I love my mommy to death. She will always be my mommy (my husband teases me about it all the time lol) and she may not have done the "best" job raising us, but when you are a single mom raising 5 kids, you do what you can and I thank her immensely for that. I go over to her house and visit every week since it is hard for her to come out to my house when she has to work all day and run errands and take care of the 3 kids still living at home.

I have thought alot about the way I feel about my father. And if people want to know, send me a message, but I dont feel it is appropriate to post a story of my life here lol. But lets just say it is justified.

My parents drive me NUTS.

My dad is stupid, but I like how he's laid back.

My mom is starting to drive me NUTS. I need to be careful of when I should lie to her or when it's OK to tell the truth. Now I know those times usually.

Now I lock my room door NIGHTLY to prevent parents barging in on me unexpectedly.

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