Paris Hilton In Jail AGAIN!


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Somehow I doubt she would care if she knew she was hated by a bunch of kids online.

As for what Tamagirl_Desy said, I completely agree. Crying over being put in jail doesn't make you a wimp and it's really immature of the people who call her that and think that of her.

You guys may not like her, but all you've seen of her is on TV. Yes, she parties. Yes, she's spoiled. But do you have to deal with her personally? No. Quit judging her for the things she does and stop with the meaningless insults.
[SIZE=14pt]Now that you put that way, I kind of agree. Lots of people cry before they go to jail. However, she deserves to go to jail for drunk driving. I heard Lindsay Lohan is going to join Paris Hilton in prison for drunk driving, too. What's with all these drunk driving celebreties? [/SIZE]


:p Camelle :mimitchi:

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Harsh CourtneeMalakian nobody deserves that that's terrible but at least she is getting what she deserves finally didn't they let her slide last time? And weird thing about all this is that I saw a topic like this on neopets it's spreading everywhere I think. And I think everyone is happy that she is in jail finally at least it would teach her a lesson I hope. And Paisley 520 I agree She is only fames because her dad's rich the thing I don't get is how she made it this far without a real carrier pretty lame if you ask me. - shakes head -


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Nobody deserves to be raped or killed, no matter how bad they are.
I definetely agree.

No matter how bad Paris Hilton has been in the real world, remember that she is still a person who has feelings.

We should pray for her to gradually become a better person instead of making harsh remarks.

I think that Paris needs to grow up and learn from all the mistakes that she has made.

Wailing and screaming won't get her out of doing the time in Jail, no matter how glamourous and rich she is.

If you do the crime, you've got to to the time. That's simply the way it is.

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