Part of the world.


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I live in the U.S.A. i'd rather not say the state... just to be safe. ;-)

I wanna live in Paris, France ;]

Ohh, I'm half Maltese. ^^Anyway, I live in Ireland, and I love it here- nice and rowdy. :'D
OH YEAH! Hey, I'm doing a project on Ireland! =D

I live in America. Amazing place to be. Sad how many take if for granted when other people else where have to worry about their limbs being blown of by mines, not being able to drive just because you are a woman, wondering if you'll have enough food to last the year to come, etc....

I'd like to visit China, maybe stay there for a bit but not live there. The U.S. is nice.

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OH YEAH! Hey, I'm doing a project on Ireland! =D
I live in America. Amazing place to be. Sad how many take if for granted when other people else where have to worry about their limbs being blown of by mines, not being able to drive just because you are a woman, wondering if you'll have enough food to last the year to come, etc....

I'd like to visit China, maybe stay there for a bit but not live there. The U.S. is nice.
My reading teacher visited and teached in China for about a yeat or two and she said she loved it

All the people were friendly and the food is great X]

My reading teacher visited and teached in China for about a yeat or two and she said she loved itAll the people were friendly and the food is great X]
ORLY? It seems like a nice country- at least just to visit/live in for just a bit. Communism, not so much. xP

I live in the states. In florida. It isnt sunny. It's rainy and depressing. And there arent many beaches that dont smell bad nearby. One of my best friends said that she is moving to texas, and there are less country accents there. She said that there are more country kids here than in tennessee (or at least in the city she lived in)

I live in bonny scotland XD...yeah it kinda sucks in the winter but it's GREAT in the summer because I live near a beach with seals, dolphins and jellyfish! I've seen dolphins a couple of times they're so...beautiful so are the seals and jellyfish ^_^ .

Lol I'm pumped for Superbowl Sunday. :lol:
LOL!! I love Boston <3333 I loved it there. I want the Pats to win too >]

Pats=Undefeated Champs XDD


Pennsylvania, United States

Whoops! I didnt notice how old this topic was! Sorry for Bumping :D

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I live in England.

I'd like to go to America one day.

Every year, I spend at least six months in the Philippines and in the US. This is because of my other dad, who lives in the Philippine Islands, and my mother, who lives in the US because of jobs. They aren't seperated, though. i'm in Illinois right now.

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Bothell, Washington.

Like the name implies, it's a hell on earth.

There aren't many places in Washington I DO like. I wish I could live in Hawaii xP

LOL!! I love Boston <3333 I loved it there. I want the Pats to win too >] Pats=Undefeated Champs XDD

I was utterly and Completely ticked off when the Giants won... Meh.


(I hate Minnesota, I dislike the vikings, Packers are meh team xD)

I live in the best part of the world ever. Never too hot, never too cold. Lowest it usually gets in the winter is around 35 degrees, and the highest it gets in the summer is around 84. (During the summer we usually do have a one week mini-heatwave where it gets hotter than that). The fog stays just long enough to cool off my town. Even in the towns twenty minutes away from me it gets really hot in the summer. No humidity.

We have awesome weather, lots and lots of hills, lots of farms, a few big cities (San Francisco), and a ton of trees. I live in central southern northern California (My friends and I believe that is about how you could describe our place on the map), or the Bay Area. (Which really isn't too specific, seeing as you can drive an hour+ away from me and still be in the Bay Area, so it's not more specific that it would be if I lived in New England and gave out my state.)

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