Past Self vs. Present Self


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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2006
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Right around the corner
The question is simple: Think about a time in your life where you were very different from how you are now - how were you different? How were you the same? Do you like yourself better back then, or now?

When I was around 10-13, I was such a weirdo, so I'll compare that. ;D

Personality-wise, I don't think that I was much different - I'm still awkward, and super loud.

10-13 ; For a while, I thought I was a huge rebel/tomboy, but I really wasn't. I wore camo print things and baggy pants. I also had no music sense, because I recall listening to the Shark Tale soundtrack. I was really friendly, a goody, and very happy. I also wanted to be an author, because I thought I was the best writer on the planet. :lol: My hair was weird, and I was anti-pretty. I didn't cut my hair either, it was very long. I also thought I was popular. Haha.

Now ; I have aquired a fashion sense, and I'm not as naiive. I'm still pretty smart, but I kind of realized that I can't be the best at everything! I found the internet, found my real friends, and now I sleep too much. I'm still a bit of a goody, but I swear too much and lie.

Your turn. :]

OMG. When I was around like... 9,10, 11-ish I dressed really like ew. Mini skirts and stupid tshirts. It was ew.

AND I was so fat. Ew. I had blond hair too.

Now I kind of cover myself up more, but when I do wear skirts and stuff, I wear stockings or something underneath.

And I've lost heaps of weight which I'm proud of.

And I'm a ranga! : D

Oh gosh, when I was about 10, I was absolutely terrible and everything always turned out so very awkward [not saying it doesn't now], but yeah.

Fashion then, was a black baggy t-shirt and black baggy pants. Like, seriously? I was pretty much a boy. I had no music sense either. I just listened to some random classical stuff that mum would listen to. It was baaad.

And my personality --- slightly female-doggy, very self-conscious, and so incredibly quiet. I didn't like myself back then either. I only had one friend too, who wasn't very friendly at all.

Now..? I actually like music. I'm not too big on fashion, but I don't wear old rags. I'm a lot louder, and I'm not self-conscious. I love myself now.

Past self: Happy, pretty, popular, smart, happy, optimistic, loved, and all other good stuff =3

Present self: Ugly, unhappy, depressed, hated, very pessimistic, but smarter than before.

My life just became worse than it used to be. :I


If anyone remembers my old account, they'll know how much I've changed. From my depressed, suicidal days I have changed so much, from the help of a few important people.


Now I have so much to live for. There were one or two people who helped me change my whole life around and four or five who have just built even more on that.

So, in only a few months, I have come a long way.

/ / I'm a raver, can't you see

Do you wanna rave all night with me?

I wanna dance until the sun goes down

Dance until the world goes round and round~

[SIZE=17pt]I've gotten more hyperactive these days, I also became a candy raver, believing deeply in PLUR, it made me behave better too. xD[/SIZE]

/ / Do you wanna dance forever?

Do you wanna dance with me?

Close your eyes and I will take you to eternity!

Dream away

Till we can reach the stars

I'm nothing like I was last year, or even this January.


When I was about 7, I've been a really n00bish person, believe me, you wouldn't want to know. ._.

I was also very girlish. I mean, I always go like "Omg, I'm like, omg today like, omg."

I also dressed very girly too. Like, huge long skirts o_o

And I was quite stupid back then, I didn't really think much.

I was whiny too. I cried all the time when I wanted something, and I had to get it.

I also was very confident back then, I mean, way too confident. I think there's a word for it. I brag too. That's bad.


I can think, I'm smarter, I can dress [xD], and I'm not so girly as before. xD

I'm also more mature, not as n00bish.

I'm not as confident as before xD But I don't brag like a baby. Well, maybe I brag for fun, not seriously.

And I don't cry like before. Unlike my sister now o_x

Well, before moving to Texas--god.

-I had crap music taste

-I had a strange fashion sense....

-I wore glasses

-I was less aware of others

-I was happier

-I would never stand up for myself

-I liked myself a lot more

-I had a better understanding of my friends and who they were

Now, in Texas

-My music taste is great, to say the least

-I dress much better--and actually care how I look


-I know more about people and the world around me

-I'm happy, but there's too much chaos and confusion in my head for me to really be happy

-I don't let anyone walk over me now--if I really want to, I make life hell for them

-I like myself less, but I don't hate me

-I'm not completely sure who they are now. I know who isn't for sure--but--it's awkwarder now--my social surroundings have been turned upside down--ehh. Confusion.

I can't say which me I like more...

Younger (Maybe 1st-2nd grade)

-Truthful. If I told a lie I felt bad for days.


-Would always do my homework one minute after I came home.


-Didn't care about my looks and what other people thought of me.

-Got up easily in the morning.

-Would wear Walmart Clothes and stuff..

-Like Diva, crappy music taste.


-I'll admit, I was pretty popular in school.

-Didn't go on the computer alot.

Older (Now)

-Not as truthful, but still truthful.

-Not as shy, but still shy.

-Do my homework later.

-I admit, if people annoy me, I'm mean.


-Care more about my looks and what other people think of me.

-Harder for me to get up in the morning.

-Wears name brands, skinnies and bows.

-Better music taste.

-Less Girly (I'm not a tomboy, I just hate pink and that stuff)

-Not popular in school.

-Go on the Computer more.

When I was younger, I really had no fashion sense at all. Most of the time I dressed in jeans and a hoodie, and did nothing with my hair. I had no music taste whatsoever and listened to just about anything.. I was quiet and too nice to people who honestly didn't deserve it.

And now, I actually do have a sense of style, much better taste in music, I actually bother doing my hair. I generally have more common sense.

Hmm, let's see... well, when I was little, I used to be shy at school and was kind of a doormat instead of standing up for myself. When out of school, I was kind of a tomboy and wasn't interested in fashion, preferring to dress in comfy clothes that I didn't mind getting dirty. I also liked reading factual books about animals. XDD

Now? I'm no longer shy. I'm more concerned with what I wear and I wouldn't class myself as a tomboy. I don't mind my clothes getting dirty though, as long as I'm not going to wear them somewhere else before washing them. And nowadays I pretty much never read unless it's a reeeaally interesting book or a magazine. Haha. Yeah. I sure did change.

In year 7 I was shy and quiet and had few friends. I was only my normal lound random self in front of my friends.

Now in year 8 I'm loud I'm friends with everyone in my class. I always have someone to hang with.

And the apple I just ate made me feel very, very sick. BLEH.

I changed ALOTALOTALOT. :)


I used to be really anxious and I didn't even realize it. I thought everybody was like that. And really depressed. It took over like my whole life and I didn't do anything. I was really unconfident and I didn't understand anything. It was hard for me to be myself, and I couldn't act right because I was too worried.


Now, I'm not anxious or depressed at all C: and I'm more confident and overall happier with more common sense and friends, even though I hate my life, I'm a lot happier with it in general.

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