Pencil, Star, and Flower


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Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
How do you get points for the three different things?

My tama has 60 points in the pencil and only 39, and 26 in the second two. What do I do to get more points in all of the areas? :(

Thank you.

To increase Kindess - Get Mr. Canvas, Play the Flag game

To increase Arts/Talent - Get Ms. Flower, Play the Dance

To increase Smartness- Get Mr. Turtle, Play with the child teacher, play the Shape game.

P.S. I love your avatar!

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Here is two Helpful Links for you. This shows eaxatly what Skill Points Mean: Click Here

The last link On The top^ is mainly based In this topic. Spudilike gives a good explanation in thisTopic It is in the Tips and Tricks Section On the top or the Important Topics. It is Currantly Open. The Title is: How to Recognise V4 Jobs

Mainly To Get Skill Points, you simply play games or Choose a certain Teacher, (As explained from Locky458) When you play the present game. This game Uses three presents. The Teacher you picked will have a Skill Point above his/her head (depends on the Teacher you picked). Now, When two Boxes flash, e.g The Right on and middle this means thats whatever is in the box (2 poo and one pack of 3 skill points) and other box switch places. At the end, you have to decide which Present has the skill points in it. To do this you press the "A" Button (far Left) to choose a present. Press the "B" Button to select the present. You get whatever is in the box you picked. Try this out! :( If you accidently get the poo in your present try again. I'm not very sure if anything else happens, Loose hearts ect..

P.S: When you get the skill point in your present, you increase 3 skill points.

Good Luck! :(


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If your character has a bookbag or a graduation hat when he goes to work does that mean he is in school.

P.S. My tamagotchi is a teen.

it is good for me to know this stuff b/c im going to get my version 4 today! (if they have it- Red Hearts) i've been waiting since last sunday!

To get the skill points higher(the pencil, star, and flower) You just have to play games. Well at least thats how i got my points. Hope this anwsers your question!! PM me if it does not

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