people are ugh..


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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2006
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new york
lol well sometimes when im hanging with my friends i like to say hi to people or like say good morning, evening, etc

but they always ignore me <_<

i told my mom and she was like

"well new yorkers r like that"

haha owell well how are the peopples attitudes where you live?

My Dad always says that New Yorkers don't know how to drive. <_< It was only once or twice that someone cut him off. Please don't flame me, because I don't agree at all.

I just say "Hey." and people talk to me. I've never had someone not respond. Sometimes the responses aren't always nice, but at least they didn't ignore me.

In Spain it's very normal to walk down the street and say hi to everyone, or give them a smile, or good afternoon, good morning etc. :(

Spanish people are very bad drivers on the other hand though, they love to overtake you, and they don't always stop at zebra crossings so you are often grateful to those people who do (when the norm is they should stop).

But the Portuguese are worse drivers even, you can be walking down the street and come across a car that's bumped into a another, or an accident etc...

It's pretty friendly here in Minnesota. There are a lot of Hi! going on.

But It all depends on the situation. It's not really that way in the big citys in general because it's more impersonal. That's normal. But if you are out biking on the trails or something, even in the big city, there are a lot of people saying HI too.

Out here in the small towns, it's friendlier. You get more howdees in every situation.

People wave to me a lot here in NY, mostly while they're driving because I'm on a main road.

Where I am right now (South Hills of Pittsburgh) most people would probably think you were crazy if you said hi to some random person. I have no clue why, but it is just an assumption.

Here in Wisconsin where I live, everyone says hi to each other, and I love that. :3 Everyone gives each other a friendly wave, and I'm so used to it I can't imagine living in a big city where people aren't friendly to each other. Whenever my mom's friends from California or Chicago visit, they're always amazed at how nice everyone is. xD

Kansas is known for it's friendliness. hehe It is true, though. People wave at people when they drive past each other, people like to talk to strangers, hold doors open for you's really nice. Even in our big cities people are generally quite decent. We do have our share of jerks and rude, unpleasant people, but generally when people travel here from other places in the U.S., one of the first things I hear them mention is how friendly most people are here.

In the UK, people believe they are too posh to speak to anyone but their friends, and I'd get embarrased and called 'gay' if I said hi to everyone.

In my part of North London (UK) it's pretty friendly. You can walk along and say hi to ppl and they will smile and greet you back.

On the other hand, I wouldn't walk along in my part of North London at night (after 10pm) and say hi to anyone - I don't like to think what might happen :D (but I don't think they'd be calling me gay...) :(

Here in Colorado, whenever I wave or say hi to ppl, they either wave back or ignore me. It's pretty easy to make friends though.

It just depends on what type of person you're saying "hi" to.

In South London no one would just say hi you would have to know that person.. Im not the type of person to just say hi to any one relly but ocasonly (sp?) in the shops sometimes my mum would to to randomers but yeah its her.

Where I live...well...I'm not exactly sure. Unless you know the person or they live close by, people would think you're crazy if you randomly say hi to them. I usually don't when I'm alone, but when I'm with my friends we always talk to random kids we have never met before. Adults? I once tried saying "hi" to everyone I saw one day, and the kids either smiled or said "hi" back, but the adults just gave me weird looks like I was mental. o_O

In my part of North London (UK) it's pretty friendly. You can walk along and say hi to ppl and they will smile and greet you back.
On the other hand, I wouldn't walk along in my part of North London at night (after 10pm) and say hi to anyone - I don't like to think what might happen :angry: (but I don't think they'd be calling me gay...) :eek:
I live in Surrey, I think they do it because it is less urban here, so they feel posher.

Kids around my age here don't really say hi to other kids they don't know. But old people I don't know greet me a lot XD

If someone says hi to me, I say hi back. It's not fun to be ignored ;-;

It's often kind of fun to start conversations with people you don't know, even if it is slighly terrifying XD

To be honest it varys. Some people will give you that 'talk to me again and I'll kill you' stare, some people say 'Hi' back, some people just smile back, and some people just do nothing.


and remember..all people are ugh in there own special way~

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My town is small so when you smile at someone or say Hi or something and they hear/see you they pretty much always answer.

I just say "Hey." and people talk to me. I've never had someone not respond. Sometimes the responses aren't always nice, but at least they didn't ignore me.
Exactly the same here. I can wave at someone from the back of a bus, and if they see me, they'll respond.

I got the middle finger from someone once. I was all "Hi! -wave-" and that guy was all "-middle finger-". I was in the back of a school bus during a field trip. My best guy friend gave him the middle finger back, and the guy in the car gave him a "Im-Going-To-Kill-You-In-Your-Sleep-Stare" :eek:

Maybe he was in a bad mood or something. Whatever it was, I don't think it was something to "Over-react" about. He was just a random guy who I never saw in my life. And I probably won't ever see him again. :unsure:

i too live in new york. i know when i had friends they always would ignore me.

but they don't speak with me anymore.

we could be having a conversation about something and i say something or ask a question and they all act like they didn't hear me. it's so annoying.

i guess i was never the one who would be noticed lol. i'm invisible.

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