People at school


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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
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United Kingdom
At my school people call me all theese names buh i dont no woh dey mean





5th.Teachers Pet

and i hear them saying look theres that kid i saw going to bed at 6:00 and getting smacked on her bum she is so gay lets beat her up so they just punch me and kick me i nearly get beat up every day by the Popular girls called





















*sighs* You are not alone, just don't listen to them, how immature to say words like that. And the big question is why they use the G, A, Y word...

I go through some of the same things. Don't worry your not a lone. We are here for you! :blink:

Well, If you feel that way maybe you don't havta tell us, instead just PM some guides like Mothra or Spiffy. I don't think those words you used very angrily are allowed . . . But . . . Are you doing anything wrong to make them call you these names?

Well, If you feel that way maybe you don't havta tell us, instead just PM some guides like Mothra or Spiffy. I don't think those words you used very angrily are allowed . . . But . . . Are you doing anything wrong to make them call you these names?
she means at school


the people at your school are really (excuse my french) butheads (not my choice words) [ignore them they'll get bored.......

Whatever you do, don't escalate the hostilities by lashing out at them. Inform a teacher who you can trust, and feel will take action to deal with the problem, such as a teacher you confide in, or a councelor, or even a principle. You could just ignore them if they were verbally assaulting you only, but since you say they are beating you up, I'd advise that you inform someone of higher authority to take care of the issue.

she means at school 

the people  at your school are really (excuse my french) butheads (not my choice words)  [ignore them they'll get bored.......
I know she means people at school :(

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:furawatchi: .The girl Alisha sed to my daddie that i hit her and Daddie smacked me infront of her and at school today every body was talkin bout me and they even told CLAIRE¬!!!!! the girl who is really really really REALLY mean im so so so so sad they said they are coming around my house to tell on me ;) .Im so so scared
The best thing you could do to get away from them is switch schools, but thats not an option...

Ignore them and they'll get tired of it! When they tell your dad on you for something you didn't do, let him hit you. But when you get inside, tell him you didn't do it. And that thats what they do to you every day.

Hope this works out!


Well, calling you *G*A*Y* is calling you a homosexual... Which is very wrong. Some REAL homosexuals may get offended. It's like calling a Native American an Indian! How politically incorrect! I don't know the other ones.... Teacher's Pet is saying that you are one of the teachers' favorites... Maybe not all of the teachers, maybe one, but a lot of people get called that. It's basically saying that you are a teacher's pet. The teacher favors you, and you really like the teacher. It may mean that you suck up to the teacher... I don't know. A lot of people do that. I'm not saying you do, but if you do, it's nothing to worry about. They'll be the ones getting the bad grades :furawatchi: I hope this all ends!


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Thanks 4 da help.Yea dey cam around and dey said i was saying nasty words my dad got me out of da bath and smacked me and the girls might have seen i i dont no im so scared for tommorow because they usually come around on Satudays :rolleyes:

Fawn is so nasty she said she wood cum roung 2moz and bet me up now im worried :p .Im to scared to tell nyone cuz she sed if i tell ny1 she will tell my dad or somint that i did somint naughty!!

You should try telling a teacher or the school counselor.

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