People think my dad is Japanese


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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
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Austin, Texas
My last name is mau Pronounced M-ow so whenever sub teachers call role they expect to see some asian girl but are always suprised to see a Blonde-haired-blue-eyed-From-european-ansesters girl. XD Its really funny people ask me all the time if I have a Japanese stepdad but i don't my last name is from Does this type of thing happen with you?

Yea. People think I'm either Chinese or Japanese. I'm Filipino xP They think I'm Japanese because of the way I look, my last name isn't very Japanese sounding.

I'm personally offended by these kinds of things.

I'm Latino-and proud of it.Though due to my moms skin tone,I'm white(though she comes from Mexico and is Mexican).I'm usually mistaken for being Asian and most kids make fun of that to me,they call me,'Chino'-which is Spanish for 'Chinese'.

Because my last name is french, everyone thinks I AM french when I am not.

I am half Polish, and some German....

Because the Spaniards or something like that ruled the Philippines, some names that are spanish came to my family. People think I'm spanish, but I'm filipino, like City Lights said.

XD My school gets that alot, too. But no-one has mistaken my race yet. I'm obviously Jamaican/African (Ugandan). My name even is. Though my first name is Russian.

One thing that really annoys me is when supply teachers come in and nearly always they get my name wrong! And when they do get it write everyone like oh she got her name right!! Its because Im asain so my names a bit differnet.

[SIZE=7pt]Mhm, all of the time![/SIZE]

Mine is also German. ^_^

People call it weird things.

I tell them where it came from, and that mostly keeps them quiet.

Whoah. Dude. Take your last name down. x_X Someone could stalk you with that and your state or country.
Lots of people have the same last name, also saying the state and country still wouldnt be enough to stalk someone.

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lol this happens all the time.

i'm german, irish, canadian french, italian, brazilian, puerto rican, cherokee, and portugese.

people don't beleive me when i say i am part hispanic, they think i'm british.

as far as last names go, I have the lastname Ford. PEOPLE ALWAYS CONFUSE ME TO BE RELATED TO HENRY FORD!!!!

I am not related to him! > :p

Lots of people have the same last name, also saying the state and country still wouldnt be enough to stalk someone.
Yes, well, its really not that hard for someone to stalk via the web. -.-' I know someone who got their phonenumber, workplace, etc, released just by someone knowing their EMAIL.

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