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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
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Here's a couple tips to help girls with their periods.

1.) Never keep a pad on for more than 8 hours. It's very unsanitary, therefor you should take a shower every night while having your period. Try changing your pad every time you go to the bathroom, so you will stay clean.

2.) Wear thick, dark colored shorts/pants while having your period. If you wear light or thin pants/shorts, your period might leak. To prevent leaks, try changing your pad more often.

3.) Keep a pad with you everywhere you go. You never know when your period could happen. It could happen a days, a week, or even a month after it's supposed to come.

4.) Try not to swim while having your period. First off, it will ruin your swim suit, and second you might leak into the pool.

5.) If you have your period at school or a place where you are in need of a pad, tell a teacher whether it's a man or a woman. They will understand and let you go to the nurse and get one. If it happens at home, tell a parent.

I hope these tips will help some of you with your periods, because they helped me a ton!

Online one thing for tampons, change everyy 2 to 4 hours. Oh, and what if you use the restroom like...every two hours? I have restroom problems so yeah, and It's sort of a waste of pads then if I change them every time I go to the bathroom.

Those are good tips. They will be very helpful! :furawatchi:

Very, very good advice for girls who are starting their period. A lot of times little tips like those can save a LOT of embarassment!

When using tampons:

*Never wear one for more than 8 hours straight. I make it a rule to never wear one for more than 6 hours to be safe and avoid a very serious infection called Toxic Shock Syndrome.

*If you have heavy periods, wear the highest absorbency level to prevent leaks.

*Always wear a pad(more preferably a thinner pantiliner) when you wear a tampon to be sure you don't have an accident.

*You can swim while wearing a tampon, just be sure to change them regularly because they can become less absorbant f they absorb water.

*If you wear tampons during the daytime, remove them at night and wear an overnight pad instead. It's good to let your body cleanse itself overnight.

I hope these help with your tampon-related quandaries. hehe I've used them for 7-8 years so I'm rather used to them.

Thanks Audrey! :marumimitchi: I haven't started using tampons yet, so that helps a lot.

mind if i post something too? my mom told me that you should keep a date of when your periods come, so you can be sure the night before, and use one overnight JUST INCASE. i use a calender and highlight the date because i'm forgetfull. hope that helps too. ;)

i use a tampon and if it hurts then that means that u put it in wrong, u should read the instructions, im only 11 and i wear 1

TSS? Well, as long as you know not to wear a Pad or Tampon for more than 8 hours, everything should be alright. :D

But, do you ever get when it just simply hurts to put a tampon in & you don't know why? Try rubbing a little Vaseline on the Tampon, and you will find that it will be a lot smoother. Dryness in that 'area' is something to try to avoid. But also, you need to know what angle to insert it at. Putting the Tampon in the wrong place is something that you wont want to do. Don't be afraid to ask your Mom about these things. She was a young girl once too, and knows exactly what you're going through. That's what she's there for. ;) Remember that nobody is forcing you to try a Tapon, so take things as slowly as you want. Pad's are just as handy as Tampons are. And if you need any help there are many girls out there who are ready to give you the advice you need. :hitodetchi:

I once tried a tampon for swimming and it hurt! It fell out in the water and I was to ashamed to go to school for a week because it was school swimming lessons ;)
You're probably not pushing it in far enough.

But nobody's forcing you, so try a tampon whenever you're ready. :hitodetchi:

It took me a while, but now, it's as easy as ever. :D

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