Pet Problems


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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2007
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OK. I want a kitten, but my mom says it is too much work and my dad doesn't like cas because they are on the table where we eat (except my dog does that and they still like him. :) ) And it would be easy to clean the litterbox if we buy the Liter Maid. HAH! Take that mom! And I can prove I can be ready for a kitten. But they still said I can't get one! > :(

How can I convince them into getting me to let me get one? I can clean out a sea-monkey tank and none of them died. My fish died because the got bladder cancer, killed eachother or got shocked after put into the water. -_-

UGGGHHHH! My dad hates cats and he said my dogs would kill them. I only have sea-monkeys (easy) and a caterpillar (super easy) to take care of. I only have $26 dollars toward a DS. I guess a pet is more fun... Apparently once again I'll never have a really fun pet to play with besides my dogs but all they do is sit around and bark for attention. (Which we usually do.) So what? My dogs MIGHT kill the cat, but maybe they can make friends. How much is a kitten?

~Mr.Canvas~ :D

Depends on the place.. erm.. well, at the Human Society you can get them for 100$ Some places 50$.. etc.. If you want a breed of cat they can cost ten times as much.

I wouldn't suggest you get a cat when you have dogs. You would have to get a REALLY little kitten, before they're old enough to develop their senses of prey and predators.

I don't really like telling people to get kittens when they can easily get older cats, while not as energetic, are much better pets. Usually if you go to saturday adoptions at the pet store (if they sell pets and not just fish and pet food) there will usually be an older cat wandering around the caged area. They may not be as cute but they sure are friendly- at the pet store if he/she lets you pet him/her they're a great pet to have :) Also, some older cats are already able to live with dogs.

I wanted a really little kitten as you suggested! Kittens are adorable.

~Mr.Canvas~ :)

Some dogs love cats. My mom wasn't too sure about getting me a cat, but they are SO easy to take care of. Just don't get a kitten bcuz you have to litterbox train them. The point is... CATS ARE CUTE AND EASY TO TAKE CARE OF.

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I have a 9/10 year old black lab/other and she loves people - and I have a cranky 13/14 year old basenji and he bites. How would a kitten do with that?

~Mr.Canvas~ :)

You do know that the little kitten will grow into an adult cat, and it'll need as much attention as a kitten? You can't forget 'bout it 'cause it's old. ='(

I agree with pyonchit, an older cat would be much better. Most likely they are all ready litter trained, you don't have to spend the first couple months with them 24/7, and this cat will appriciate you so much more if you give it a great home, especially if it was a stray or something/

If you do get a kitten, the dogs probably will not know what to do with it and think it's a toy of some-sort.

The kitten will grow older anyways, why not give an older kitty a chance?

You do know that the little kitten will grow into an adult cat, and it'll need as much attention as a kitten? You can't forget 'bout it 'cause it's old. ='(
My cat is VERY old, and he doesn't need as much attention as you think. You just gotta spend time with him alot.

But also, if they get older, they might get diabetes (like my kitty) or something else along those lines, but it's not that bad.

A kitten will grow up anyways.

My cat is VERY old, and he doesn't need as much attention as you think. You just gotta spend time with him alot.
But also, if they get older, they might get diabetes (like my kitty) or something else along those lines, but it's not that bad.

A kitten will grow up anyways.
I meant that they can't just ignore it when it gets older.

Your dogs won't kill the kitten. The kitten will hiss at it and bat it away with its paw. Thats what my friends cat did when she was a kitten. Show them you can take care of one like someone I know did, get a stuffed animal and act like it was the real thing and take care ofit. Sounds silly, but it worked for her.

But you can't just want a kitten because its cute and small, you gotta want it for the love of having a cat. If you want it for just having a cute ball of fur run around the house, its not a wise choice. You might want to think of how you will treat it when it grows older. They still need attention,love, and care when they grow! So before you go asking for a kitten, make sure of the fact that you'll love it whenever it grows older.

Good luck and I hope you get a kitten!


GREAT NEWS! My dad says if I could convince my mom into getting me a kitten,

(I'll say 'I'll have to take more responsibilities and have to be off the computer more. I'll also have a companion to play with over the summer, and it could be kind of a good job in school! gift, if you know what I mean.) So what do you think, a yes or no?

~Mr.Canvas~ :D

LexiLexiLou, I know. I won't choose the kitten, IT will choose me. My dad also said he would pay for the kitten and all, so I'll give the kitten a long, healthy life! :)

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